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Lidar Teach and Repeat

Yuchen Wu edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 6 revisions

This page provides an offline demo of VT&R3 using data from a Waymo Honeycomb Lidar for teach and repeat navigation.


Follow this video. Commands are provided below. Note that, if you install VT&R3 in a docker container, then all commands should be run inside the container.

tmuxp load ${VTRSRC}/launch/offline_honeycomb_grizzly.launch.yaml

Note: we use tmux and tmuxp to launch and run VT&R3. They are useful tools that allow multiple terminal sessions to be launched and accessed simultaneously in a single window.

Data playback for teaching a path:

  • Run these lines in a separate terminal after initializing the UI into teach mode.
    # replay the first ros2 bag
    source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
    ros2 bag play ${VTRDATA}/utias_20210921_ros2bag/rosbag2_2021_09_21-16_25_56

Data playback for repeating a path:

  • Run these lines in a separate terminal after teaching a path, entering repeat mode, and specifying repeat waypoints.

    # replay the second ros2 bag
    source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
    ros2 bag play ${VTRDATA}/utias_20210921_ros2bag/rosbag2_2021_09_21-16_28_53
  • Terminate VT&R3 (Ctrl-C once in terminal)

Note: after running the commands above, the resulting pose graph and local maps will be stored at ${VTRTEMP}/lidar. Unless you clear this directory, launching VT&R3 again will automatically reload the pose graph and local maps (allowing you to perform more repeats using the same taught path).