Releases: uhawaii-system-its-ti-iam/uh-groupings-ui
Releases · uhawaii-system-its-ti-iam/uh-groupings-ui
What's Changed
- Fixes incorrect logout redirect by @JorWo in #839
- Updating Export Grouping Button by @Kristyn-Mimura in #837
- Allows two character uids to be added to a group, fixes check for uids already in a group by @JorWo in #840
- Remove addWhereListed from UI by @JorWo in #842
- Add icon to the nav bar - indicate user is not in their personal account by @michho8 in #826
- Add conditional to confirmation message when enabling/disabling sync dest by @yertsti in #846
- Removes unnecessary script tag by @Kristyn-Mimura in #843
- Fix wrong field names for csv exports by @yertsti in #849
- Updates reset checkboxes functionality by @Kristyn-Mimura in #845
- Update by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #850
- spring boot v2.7.14 released, upgrade projects by @FeimeiChen in #851
- Changes 'yes' in the exclude, include, and owner columns to red by @jarrenseson in #853
- Fix ADA warnings by @yertsti in #855
- Add conditional for enabling/disabling sync dest by @yertsti in #848
- Add throw exception tab to admin by @yertsti in #854
- Handle empty string when updating grouping description by @yertsti in #856
- Makes timeout.controller.js and jasmine tests by @Kristyn-Mimura in #857
- Move import path for overrides to the appropriate property files by @JorWo in #858
- Implement retry on error for loading a large grouping by @JorWo in #859
- loadDataWithBodyRetry(): Set maxRetries to 3 and add incremental delay by @JorWo in #860
- Overrides Message Logging by @Kristyn-Mimura in #861
- Appends environment to email header by @Kristyn-Mimura in #864
- Replace all instances of var in project js files to let or const by @imths in #867
- Rename the Info page to About by @gitCarrot in #868
- Fix resetModal not displaying UH Usernames by @imths in #871
- Fix Grouping Import/Export Animation by @imths in #865
- Fixes warning for $new() in tests by @Kristyn-Mimura in #873
- Fix using trashcan to remove old test accounts from Admins by @imths in #870
- Replace modal path functions with universal string in by @Kristyn-Mimura in #875
- Reorder java imports on ui side by @imths in #877
- Remove the whitespace above the footer on the home page before login by @gitCarrot in #863
- Override email recipient with properties by @yertsti in #878
- Update by @mhodgesatuh in #881
- Upgrade to Java 17 and Spring Boot 3 by @JorWo in #880
- Update in UI to point to iws04 by @FeimeiChen in #885
- Update to include Java 17 by @imths in #884
- Adds email validation on feedback page by @Kristyn-Mimura in #882
- Write Jasmine tests for app.service.js by @FeimeiChen in #886
- Display planned outage announcement on the home page by @michho8 in #879
- Call resetInclude/ExcludeMembersAsync only after a threshold by @FeimeiChen in #887
- Removes injected principal by @Kristyn-Mimura in #889
- Implements a tooltip and dynamic selection checkbox by @Louie808 in #872
- Fix currentUser error when no user is logged in by @michho8 in #888
- Backport announcements improvements by @JorWo in #902
- Fixed ADA issues in Epic 2.5 by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #906
- Backport the Select All Checkbox bug fix by @michho8 in #910
- Fix the bug for auto logout by @FeimeiChen in #912
- Fix bug on Idle Timeout by @FeimeiChen in #913
- Backport: Fixes the BeanPostProcessor non-static factory warning by @JorWo in #916
- Backport: Update dependencies by @JorWo in #918
- Backport: Fix the Exclude Members username bug by @michho8 in #920
- Backport the Dart SASS compiler by @mikhail-shkaralevich in #922
- Back-port: Fixes the Announcement Bar Bug by @Kristyn-Mimura in #923
- Backport: Fixes add error message bug by @Kristyn-Mimura in #926
- Backport: Fix Select All checkbox bugs by @michho8 in #930
- Handle department accounts without uhUuid correctly by @JorWo in #932
- Add logout button to uhuuid-error page by @JorWo in #934
- Backported Fleeting Pagination Presentation Bug fix by @byilagan808 in #952
- Backport department account icon to 2.5 & Maven wrapper by @byilagan808 in #951
- 2.5 bug: Exclude list of names not displaying correctly by @byilagan808 in #955
- Backport spring-boot-starter version update by @mikhail-shkaralevich in #957
- Backport dependency updates by @mikhail-shkaralevich in #987
- Backport Spring Boot 3.3.3 update by @lukepag in #1009
- Backport GROUPINGS-1791: Uncomment @PreAuthorize annotation for security reasons by @mikhail-shkaralevich in #1023
- Update dependencies by @mikhail-shkaralevich in #1025
- Fix the Tooltip on Truncate for Grouping Path by @FeimeiChen in #1033
New Contributors
- @jarrenseson made their first contribution in #853
- @imths made their first contribution in #867
Full Changelog: V2.4.2.RELEASE...V2.5.2.RELEASE
What's Changed
- Create an action tab for groupings by @michho8 in #741
- Disables /manage-grouping check-all checkbox when group is empty, increase height of importSuccessModal by @JorWo in #750
- Forward port modals in preferences.html not displaying by @JorWo in #751
- Forward port trashcan remove bug fix by @JorWo in #754
- Forward-port "Re-adds .btn-clipboard to copy path button" by @JorWo in #756
- Fixes modal shifting the page by @JorWo in #753
- Forward-port "Fixes export button floating right on mobile screens" by @JorWo in #759
- Change actions tab icon by @yertsti in #765
- Places numberOfMemberships and numberOfGroupings in scope.init by @carolwong492 in #767
- Add host name to feedback email by @yertsti in #766
- Fix alt text email icon by @yertsti in #770
- Forward-port batch-importing >1000 members bug fix by @JorWo in #771
- Forward-port ADA compliance fixes by @KaileeHung in #774
- Forward-port "Rename remaining modal display functions to use 'display' keyword" by @JorWo in #775
- Fix removing self from owner with UH username by @yertsti in #778
- Forward-port: Fixes incorrect whereListed value in large groupings by @JorWo in #779
- Forward-port: Fixes /admin UI regressions by @JorWo in #780
- change tooltip owner warning message by @goodroach in #786
- Fixes Spring DevTools live-reload by @JorWo in #785
- Fixes notApplicable message by @goodroach in #787
- Add Hyperlink to a new tab for a selected grouping in Manage Person by @JorWo in #782
- Updates No Memberships Text by @Kristyn-Mimura in #791
- Replace @media with custom break point by @yertsti in #792
- Replaces style attribute with class for spinner by @Kristyn-Mimura in #783
- Fixes inconsistent Jasmine test in admin controller by @JorWo in #793
- Jasmine tests update to use no real names by @Louie808 in #795
- Forward port clear checkboxes on canceling remove modal in manage person by @KaileeHung in #797
- Ensure modal stays on screen when multiple groupings are selected in … by @carolwong492 in #796
- Override recipient email by @yertsti in #789
- Adds error for Manage Person search on non alphanumeric input by @JorWo in #800
- Forward-port fixes lingering data from selected checkbox members by @JorWo in #802
- Updates No Memberships Text by @Kristyn-Mimura in #804
- Fix success modal for reset grouping by @yertsti in #803
- Defines and overrides in application property files by @JorWo in #808
- Enables enter key usage for checkboxes by @Kristyn-Mimura in #748
- New Manage Person functionality: pop up a list of owners by @michho8 in #788
- Update to Spring Boot 2.7.12, add Spring Actuator endpoints by @JorWo in #809
- Organizes controllers by @JorWo in #805
- Fix flashing message in membership page by @yertsti in #810
- Add CSV option for batch imports by @yertsti in #806
- Standardize the overrides files by @FeimeiChen in #812
- Remove Travis badge from the UI and API projects and investigate new badge by @michho8 in #813
- Create new build status badge with GitHub Actions by @michho8 in #817
- No Prompt or Message when a User does not own any Groupings. by @FeimeiChen in #818
- Tooltip bugs in /manage-grouping by @michho8 in #819
- Forward port async endpoint handling by @JorWo in #814
- Move properties out of file into application.proper… by @FeimeiChen in #820
- clean up file by @FeimeiChen in #821
- Implement logging levels by @JorWo in #823
- /admin - Manage Person row spacing correction by @michho8 in #824
- Remove AppConfig class by @FeimeiChen in #822
- Remove the deprecated Spring property by @FeimeiChen in #827
- Fix ADA alerts for modals by @yertsti in #828
- Set prod logging levels to INFO and the rest DEBUG by @JorWo in #825
- Make PropertiesFileOverridesReporter Class by @FeimeiChen in #829
- Remove unused yearOfDate() function in util/ by @FeimeiChen in #831
- Removes unused properties from override skeleton file by @JorWo in #834
- Fixes email overrides not working when running unit tests by @JorWo in #833
- Use separate API calls to hydrate grouping by @yertsti in #815
- Cleanup UI by @JorWo in #835
- Make a test file for PropertiesFileOverridesReporter class by @FeimeiChen in #832
- Fixes remove not working in /manage-grouping owners by @JorWo in #836
- Fixes incorrect logout redirect by @JorWo in #838
- Allows two character uids to be added to a group, fixes check for uids already in a group by @JorWo in #841
- Fix undefined in CSV export by @yertsti in #844
- Add conditional for enabling/disabling sync dest by @yertsti in #847
- Backport: Implement retry on error for loading a large grouping by @JorWo in #862
Full Changelog: V2.3.0.RELEASE...V2.4.2.RELEASE
What's Changed
- getMemberAttributes return Person instead of Map-GROUPINGS-912-master by @zakgilbert in #406
- #428 Remove inline styling and change CSS to SCSS by @devgav in #409
- .currentUser is being hydrated Incorrectly by @chakhon in #411
- Bump owasp-java-html-sanitizer version. by @fduckart in #418
- Fix Remove button for removing users via textbox-GROUPINGS-924 by @zakgilbert in #425
- Error message for adding invaild users to Owner by @chakhon in #426
- Revert "Error message for adding invaild users to Owner" by @Kobeyarai808 in #428
- Removed some lgtm errors by @lukepag in #429
- Update admin.html by @andreweemmons in #430
- Grouping 908/921 by @ruizaj in #431
- Groupings-892 by @mikel-ishihara in #433
- Groupings 884 by @mikel-ishihara in #434
- Standardize display info in confirmation modals #671 by @devgav in #436
- Rename existsInGrouper to validateAndAddUser, fix bug where adding invalid user does not create error modal by @chakhon in #438
- Fixed name attribute casing by @nadine-alcantara in #443
- Remove multiple members from UH Groupings doesn't work #933 by @devgav in #440
- Cover Groupings.Service.js by @zakgilbert in #449
- Fix Unit Test by @zakgilbert in #453
- add ng-clock to hide numberOfMembership & numberOfGroupings javascript by @chakhon in #450
- Add multi-remove feature to owners list #901 by @devgav in #446
- 2.2.0 ADA bugs: /Admin Manage Groupings Overview by @zakgilbert in #463
- ADA bugs /info page by @chakhon in #458
- ADA bugs /admin, Manage Person page by @chakhon in #459
- ADA bugs /admin, Manage Admin page by @chakhon in #461
- Update mainv2_3.css by @yiwenc22 in #466
- Fixed Include and Manage Groupings ADA Bugs by @Kobeyarai808 in #468
- Consider Removing Integration Tests from UI by @zakgilbert in #470
- Revert "Consider Removing Integration Tests from UI" by @Kobeyarai808 in #471
- Consider Removing Integration Tests from UI by @zakgilbert in #474
- Update mvn output in pom file. by @zakgilbert in #477
- Delete JQuery script by @William-Liang808 in #479
- Fix previous broken commit by @William-Liang808 in #480
- fixed text small text box that made text not fit by @Kobeyarai808 in #484
- Add multi-remove feature to owners #901 by @devgav in #483
- Fix JQuery before bootstrap error by @William-Liang808 in #485
- use ng-bind to hide javascript flashes by @chakhon in #473
- Add multi-add feature to owners - UI by @devgav in #487
- HTML file is named incorrectly by @zakgilbert in #493
- MultiAdd results should not display users who weren't added by @zakgilbert in #499
- Startup analyzer and handshake property option. String utilility clean up. by @fduckart in #491
- fix console error warnings by @chakhon in #494
- Fix checkbox UI regression by @William-Liang808 in #498
- ADA bug fix /Groupings page by @chakhon in #500
- Fix ADA bugs #980 by @devgav in #506
- Rename #1016 by @devgav in #508
- Refractor ng-model naming #956 by @devgav in #510
- Implement a toggle to show/hide admin tab when in Grouping by @devgav in #516
- Removed the Version from the webjars-locator-core, dependency by @buccatm in #514
- Update the info page with documentation links to versions currently in POM by @buccatm in #515
- Fix checkbox UI regression by @William-Liang808 in #518
- Display failed adds - Groupings - 1012 by @William-Liang808 in #520
- Fix white space above Reset Grouping by @William-Liang808 in #524
- Fixed broken paths and removed duplicate images by @Kobeyarai808 in #527
- Replace variable names for consistency by @William-Liang808 in #528
- Moved exporttoCSV Button by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #525
- Sanitize calls in HttpRequestServiceImpl by @Irene-ma in #543
- Add sanitizer function and test by @devgav in #546
- Locating and Removing unused Images from project by @buccatm in #547
- Fix loading members indicator not going away after members have been … by @devgav in #556
- GROUPINGS-871 - add sole owner removal warning, owner removal warning by @chakhon in #555
- revert sanitization calls in HttpRequestServiceImpl by @Irene-ma in #557
- Refactored image use and directory by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #558
- Dev ciprian 998 by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #563
- Dev kobeya 1002 2 by @Kobeyarai808 in #551
- Creating Github Actions by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #572
- Fix oversight from dev-chakhon-871 when removing non-owner users by @chakhon in #571
- Moved message into file by @Kobeyarai808 in #568
- fix clipboard copy on admin tab by @Irene-ma in #575
- Created Regex Global Pattern by @Kobeyarai808 in #569
- Removed mvn references in POM by @Kobeyarai808 in #585
- Updated to Jacoco 0.8.8 by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #583
- Revised Workflow files by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #580
- Update Coverage Badge Reference by @Erick-Orozco-Ciprian in #578
- GROUPINGS-1090: Fix Manage Person search bar length, and export to CVS button location by @chakhon in #587
- Dev buccatm 950 by @buccatm in #577
- Increase Jasmine testing for admin and general controller by @devgav in htt...
What's Changed
- Implement password check by @kahlinbaughman in #152
- Add What If section to /info page by @Irene-ma in #153
- remove mail button on /info page by @Irene-ma in #154
- Dev zakg groupings 17b by @zakgilbert in #156
- Dev zakg groupings 135 by @zakgilbert in #157
- remove extra div tags -- include.html and exclude.html hade extra div tags by @zakgilbert in #158
- Center text in card title and card title text in small screen view by @audreyford in #159
- Change stack dump handling by @kahlinbaughman in #160
- Dev zakg groupings 490 by @zakgilbert in #162
- update angular version by @zakgilbert in #163
- Remove console.log from createPreferenceInfoModal() by @zakgilbert in #164
- Add back-end check implementation by @kahlinbaughman in #165
- Fix discrepancies in small screen view. by @audreyford in #168
- GROUPINGS 506 Implement new Groupings Icons by @jasonhuang23 in #167
- GROUPINGS-488 Change session timeout to AngularJS implementation by @janeligio in #172
- Finalize uuid to uhUuid by @kahlinbaughman in #175
- GROUPINGS-483 /admin & /groupings Position of "Return to Groupings" is responsive by @jasonhuang23 in #173
- GROUPINGS-496 Fix /admin - Manage Groupings & Manage Admins to have s… by @janeligio in #174
- GROUPINGS-470 Sticky Footer by @jasonhuang23 in #177
- Implement dynamic Sync Destination by @kahlinbaughman in #178
- GROUPINGS-467 Return to groupings returns user to the groupings page that they were on. by @jasonhuang23 in #179
- Fix error where admin is not logged out once their priv is removed by @kahlinbaughman in #180
- Fix if statement condition by @kahlinbaughman in #181
- Dev nzenger 152 by @nzenger in #182
- Dev zakg 512 by @zakgilbert in #187
- Dev nzenger 498 by @nzenger in #189
- global variable timeLimit added into app.service.js for timeout modal by @nzenger in #193
- Update central repository url and update spring version by @ryotabs in #194
- Update kotlin plugin version by @ryotabs in #195
- Implement modal timeout feature by @zakgilbert in #196
- GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #197
- Fix assertt by @zakgilbert in #199
- Attempt to fix string literal angular modal security issue by @zakgilbert in #200
- GROUPINGS-503, 525, 541 by @nadine-alcantara in #188
- Unused import by @zakgilbert in #201
- Codacy -GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #204
- test fix for codacy issue Generic Object Injection Sink by @nzenger in #205
- Revert "test fix for codacy issue Generic Object Injection Sink" by @kahlinbaughman in #207
- Deleted hardcoded values from the file. by @johnbigornia in #202
- Update lodash and cas-client version by @ryotabs in #203
- Codacy Issues GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #206
- Groupings 549 by @zakgilbert in #209
- GROUPINGS-541, 327 by @nadine-alcantara in #211
- Speed up Multi Add by @zakgilbert in #210
- Revert "Speed up Multi Add" by @kahlinbaughman in #212
- Finish GROUPINGS-268 Rest Controller Organization by @kahlinbaughman in #213
- Update groupId for angular-mocks and update version to 1.7.9 by @ryotabs in #214
- fix integration test in groupings rest controller by @Irene-ma in #215
- Resolve remaining snyk vulnerabilities with recommended updates by @ryotabs in #216
- GROUPINGS-226 by @zakgilbert in #218
- GROUPINGS-569 by @zakgilbert in #220
- GROUPINGS-226 by @zakgilbert in #221
- GROUPINGS-570 by @zakgilbert in #222
- refined test cases in TestGroupingsRestController by @Irene-ma in #224
- removed unused code in test file by @Irene-ma in #225
- Groupings 167 by @nzenger in #230
- GROUPINGS-551 by @nadine-alcantara in #229
- Groupings-499 by @jayryanj in #227
- GROUPINGS-535 by @zakgilbert in #231
- Testing added for rest controller by @nzenger in #235
- Dev nzenger 575 by @nzenger in #236
- Dev zakg 6o6 by @zakgilbert in #233
- Fix typo in name of Message object constant by @zakgilbert in #237
- Resolve TODO comments in UI GROUPINGS-604 by @zakgilbert in #238
- Clean up 'console.log' in project-GROUPINGS-510 by @zakgilbert in #239
- Change presentation of confirmation if member is in basis group or not - GROUPINGS-611 by @zakgilbert in #242
- Change identifier for single delete from UH username to UH number by @ryotabs in #244
- GROUPINGS-623 by @zakgilbert in #246
- Fix tab border on hover by @Irene-ma in #248
- Groupings-620 completed and ready to merge with master by @nzenger in #249
- GROUPINGS-645 by @zakgilbert in #251
- Changed membership labels on tabs to say Memberships instead of group… by @nzenger in #252
- GROUPINGS-648 by @zakgilbert in #253
- Temporary fix for delete admin function by @nzenger in #254
- Remove uninitialized Map and never accessed if statement by @zakgilbert in #255
- Dev nzenger 664 by @nzenger in #257
- GROUPINGS-650 by @nadine-alcantara in #259
- Align side-nav circles UI by @audreyford in #256
- button contours grouper by...
Release of version 2.1.0. Includes ADA Compliance, UI Updates, and bug fixes.
removing ownership from a user that did not have ownership originally…
add owner first, then update last-modified
Move filter and sort members into one function
Temporarily change the base URL for testing. - mhodgesatuh / githubweb
Update feedback and exception message — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update feedback test — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add test for feedback error endpoint — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Revert forced feedback — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Redirect user to home if they delete themself from admin/owner — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
updated link in info — Kalani P Sanidad / githubweb
#35closed — jiaqil / githubweb
Added new modal for removing yourself as admin — Kalani P Sanidad / githubweb
Add tests for modals and feedback page — rfrobles4 / githubweb
buttonAligned — jiaqil / githubweb
Update technologies in info page — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Rename opt modal file — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Remove feedback modal — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add feedback submit test — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update panel-heading border radius — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update LDAP preferences message — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update modal to display where user is removed from — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update wasRemoved parameter in createAddModal — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update addModal variables — rfrobles4 / githubweb
hid unused preferences and added warning text for preferences — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Update sync.warning message. — noreply / githubweb
Warn user when removing self from admin/owner list — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Update listName variable in remove functions — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Fix redirect modal on admins page — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Fix redirect when removing self from owners list — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Change wasRemoved to an optional parameter — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Change spacing between warning and alert border — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add redirection location to remove modals — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Remove unnecessary code — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add Spring Boot reference to info page — rfrobles4 / githubweb
aligned homepage membership button — jiaqil / githubweb
Rename grouping destinations to sync destinations — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add spaces between warning messages in remove modal — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Remove modal after removing self as admin — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Add — rfrobles4 / githubweb
added confirmation modal when adding someone to one of the grouping — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Rename grouping destinations to sync destinations — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Add spaces between warning messages in remove modal — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Remove modal after removing self as admin — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Add — Aaron Jhumar B Villanueva / githubweb
Remove kalani's email address. — noreply / githubweb
Fix wording on home page — rfrobles4 / githubweb
Remove extraneous .css file — rfrobles4 / githubweb