129 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Create an action tab for groupings by @michho8 in #741
- Disables /manage-grouping check-all checkbox when group is empty, increase height of importSuccessModal by @JorWo in #750
- Forward port modals in preferences.html not displaying by @JorWo in #751
- Forward port trashcan remove bug fix by @JorWo in #754
- Forward-port "Re-adds .btn-clipboard to copy path button" by @JorWo in #756
- Fixes modal shifting the page by @JorWo in #753
- Forward-port "Fixes export button floating right on mobile screens" by @JorWo in #759
- Change actions tab icon by @yertsti in #765
- Places numberOfMemberships and numberOfGroupings in scope.init by @carolwong492 in #767
- Add host name to feedback email by @yertsti in #766
- Fix alt text email icon by @yertsti in #770
- Forward-port batch-importing >1000 members bug fix by @JorWo in #771
- Forward-port ADA compliance fixes by @KaileeHung in #774
- Forward-port "Rename remaining modal display functions to use 'display' keyword" by @JorWo in #775
- Fix removing self from owner with UH username by @yertsti in #778
- Forward-port: Fixes incorrect whereListed value in large groupings by @JorWo in #779
- Forward-port: Fixes /admin UI regressions by @JorWo in #780
- change tooltip owner warning message by @goodroach in #786
- Fixes Spring DevTools live-reload by @JorWo in #785
- Fixes notApplicable message by @goodroach in #787
- Add Hyperlink to a new tab for a selected grouping in Manage Person by @JorWo in #782
- Updates No Memberships Text by @Kristyn-Mimura in #791
- Replace @media with custom break point by @yertsti in #792
- Replaces style attribute with class for spinner by @Kristyn-Mimura in #783
- Fixes inconsistent Jasmine test in admin controller by @JorWo in #793
- Jasmine tests update to use no real names by @Louie808 in #795
- Forward port clear checkboxes on canceling remove modal in manage person by @KaileeHung in #797
- Ensure modal stays on screen when multiple groupings are selected in … by @carolwong492 in #796
- Override recipient email by @yertsti in #789
- Adds error for Manage Person search on non alphanumeric input by @JorWo in #800
- Forward-port fixes lingering data from selected checkbox members by @JorWo in #802
- Updates No Memberships Text by @Kristyn-Mimura in #804
- Fix success modal for reset grouping by @yertsti in #803
- Defines custom.properties and overrides in application property files by @JorWo in #808
- Enables enter key usage for checkboxes by @Kristyn-Mimura in #748
- New Manage Person functionality: pop up a list of owners by @michho8 in #788
- Update to Spring Boot 2.7.12, add Spring Actuator endpoints by @JorWo in #809
- Organizes controllers by @JorWo in #805
- Fix flashing message in membership page by @yertsti in #810
- Add CSV option for batch imports by @yertsti in #806
- Standardize the overrides files by @FeimeiChen in #812
- Remove Travis badge from the UI and API projects and investigate new badge by @michho8 in #813
- Create new build status badge with GitHub Actions by @michho8 in #817
- No Prompt or Message when a User does not own any Groupings. by @FeimeiChen in #818
- Tooltip bugs in /manage-grouping by @michho8 in #819
- Forward port async endpoint handling by @JorWo in #814
- Move properties out of custom.properties file into application.proper… by @FeimeiChen in #820
- clean up application-localhost.properties file by @FeimeiChen in #821
- Implement logging levels by @JorWo in #823
- /admin - Manage Person row spacing correction by @michho8 in #824
- Remove AppConfig class by @FeimeiChen in #822
- Remove the deprecated Spring property management.security.enabled by @FeimeiChen in #827
- Fix ADA alerts for modals by @yertsti in #828
- Set prod logging levels to INFO and the rest DEBUG by @JorWo in #825
- Make PropertiesFileOverridesReporter Class by @FeimeiChen in #829
- Remove unused yearOfDate() function in util/Dates.java by @FeimeiChen in #831
- Removes unused properties from override skeleton file by @JorWo in #834
- Fixes email overrides not working when running unit tests by @JorWo in #833
- Use separate API calls to hydrate grouping by @yertsti in #815
- Cleanup UI by @JorWo in #835
- Make a test file for PropertiesFileOverridesReporter class by @FeimeiChen in #832
- Fixes remove not working in /manage-grouping owners by @JorWo in #836
- Fixes incorrect logout redirect by @JorWo in #838
- Allows two character uids to be added to a group, fixes check for uids already in a group by @JorWo in #841
- Fix undefined in CSV export by @yertsti in #844
- Add conditional for enabling/disabling sync dest by @yertsti in #847
- Backport: Implement retry on error for loading a large grouping by @JorWo in #862
Full Changelog: V2.3.0.RELEASE...V2.4.2.RELEASE