515 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Implement custom.properties password check by @kahlinbaughman in #152
- Add What If section to /info page by @Irene-ma in #153
- remove mail button on /info page by @Irene-ma in #154
- Dev zakg groupings 17b by @zakgilbert in #156
- Dev zakg groupings 135 by @zakgilbert in #157
- remove extra div tags -- include.html and exclude.html hade extra div tags by @zakgilbert in #158
- Center text in card title and card title text in small screen view by @audreyford in #159
- Change stack dump handling by @kahlinbaughman in #160
- Dev zakg groupings 490 by @zakgilbert in #162
- update angular version by @zakgilbert in #163
- Remove console.log from createPreferenceInfoModal() by @zakgilbert in #164
- Add back-end check implementation by @kahlinbaughman in #165
- Fix discrepancies in small screen view. by @audreyford in #168
- GROUPINGS 506 Implement new Groupings Icons by @jasonhuang23 in #167
- GROUPINGS-488 Change session timeout to AngularJS implementation by @janeligio in #172
- Finalize uuid to uhUuid by @kahlinbaughman in #175
- GROUPINGS-483 /admin & /groupings Position of "Return to Groupings" is responsive by @jasonhuang23 in #173
- GROUPINGS-496 Fix /admin - Manage Groupings & Manage Admins to have s… by @janeligio in #174
- GROUPINGS-470 Sticky Footer by @jasonhuang23 in #177
- Implement dynamic Sync Destination by @kahlinbaughman in #178
- GROUPINGS-467 Return to groupings returns user to the groupings page that they were on. by @jasonhuang23 in #179
- Fix error where admin is not logged out once their priv is removed by @kahlinbaughman in #180
- Fix if statement condition by @kahlinbaughman in #181
- Dev nzenger 152 by @nzenger in #182
- Dev zakg 512 by @zakgilbert in #187
- Dev nzenger 498 by @nzenger in #189
- global variable timeLimit added into app.service.js for timeout modal by @nzenger in #193
- Update central repository url and update spring version by @ryotabs in #194
- Update kotlin plugin version by @ryotabs in #195
- Implement modal timeout feature by @zakgilbert in #196
- GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #197
- Fix assertt by @zakgilbert in #199
- Attempt to fix string literal angular modal security issue by @zakgilbert in #200
- GROUPINGS-503, 525, 541 by @nadine-alcantara in #188
- Unused import by @zakgilbert in #201
- Codacy -GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #204
- test fix for codacy issue Generic Object Injection Sink by @nzenger in #205
- Revert "test fix for codacy issue Generic Object Injection Sink" by @kahlinbaughman in #207
- Deleted hardcoded values from the custom.properties file. by @johnbigornia in #202
- Update lodash and cas-client version by @ryotabs in #203
- Codacy Issues GROUPINGS-539 by @zakgilbert in #206
- Groupings 549 by @zakgilbert in #209
- GROUPINGS-541, 327 by @nadine-alcantara in #211
- Speed up Multi Add by @zakgilbert in #210
- Revert "Speed up Multi Add" by @kahlinbaughman in #212
- Finish GROUPINGS-268 Rest Controller Organization by @kahlinbaughman in #213
- Update groupId for angular-mocks and update version to 1.7.9 by @ryotabs in #214
- fix integration test in groupings rest controller by @Irene-ma in #215
- Resolve remaining snyk vulnerabilities with recommended updates by @ryotabs in #216
- GROUPINGS-226 by @zakgilbert in #218
- GROUPINGS-569 by @zakgilbert in #220
- GROUPINGS-226 by @zakgilbert in #221
- GROUPINGS-570 by @zakgilbert in #222
- refined test cases in TestGroupingsRestController by @Irene-ma in #224
- removed unused code in test file by @Irene-ma in #225
- Groupings 167 by @nzenger in #230
- GROUPINGS-551 by @nadine-alcantara in #229
- Groupings-499 by @jayryanj in #227
- GROUPINGS-535 by @zakgilbert in #231
- Testing added for rest controller by @nzenger in #235
- Dev nzenger 575 by @nzenger in #236
- Dev zakg 6o6 by @zakgilbert in #233
- Fix typo in name of Message object constant by @zakgilbert in #237
- Resolve TODO comments in UI GROUPINGS-604 by @zakgilbert in #238
- Clean up 'console.log' in project-GROUPINGS-510 by @zakgilbert in #239
- Change presentation of confirmation if member is in basis group or not - GROUPINGS-611 by @zakgilbert in #242
- Change identifier for single delete from UH username to UH number by @ryotabs in #244
- GROUPINGS-623 by @zakgilbert in #246
- Fix tab border on hover by @Irene-ma in #248
- Groupings-620 completed and ready to merge with master by @nzenger in #249
- GROUPINGS-645 by @zakgilbert in #251
- Changed membership labels on tabs to say Memberships instead of group… by @nzenger in #252
- GROUPINGS-648 by @zakgilbert in #253
- Temporary fix for delete admin function by @nzenger in #254
- Remove uninitialized Map and never accessed if statement by @zakgilbert in #255
- Dev nzenger 664 by @nzenger in #257
- GROUPINGS-650 by @nadine-alcantara in #259
- Align side-nav circles UI by @audreyford in #256
- button contours grouper by @audreyford in #241
- Refactored UserDetailsServiceImp to CasUserDetailsServiceImp by @johnbigornia in #234
- [Snyk] Security upgrade org.springframework:spring-webmvc from 5.2.3.RELEASE to 5.2.8.RELEASE by @snyk-bot in #250
- Revert "[Snyk] Security upgrade org.springframework:spring-webmvc from 5.2.3.RELEASE to 5.2.8.RELEASE" by @johnbigornia in #260
- [Snyk] Fix for 5 vulnerabilities by @snyk-bot in #247
- Grouping#657 by @yiwenc22 in #261
- Dev zakg 648 by @zakgilbert in #262
- Remove unreachable statement by @zakgilbert in #263
- GROUPINGS-656 by @zakgilbert in #264
- Test attempt to supress XSS alerts by @zakgilbert in #265
- GROUPING - 681 by @yiwenc22 in #266
- Fix Confirmation modal overflow text by @Irene-ma in #269
- Changed the icon for grouping by @yiwenc22 in #270
- GROUPINGS-286 by @zakgilbert in #268
- Dev nzenger 600 by @nzenger in #272
- Revert "Dev nzenger 600" by @nzenger in #273
- Revert "Revert "Dev nzenger 600"" by @nzenger in #274
- Added error handling modal for failed opt requests by @nzenger in #276
- 100 Character Warning for edit description doesn't show by @zakgilbert in #240
- Dev zakg 521 by @zakgilbert in #278
- Dev nalcan24 693 by @nadine-alcantara in #279
- fix deprecated forkmode in pom by @Irene-ma in #280
- fix forkCount and update jacoco by @Irene-ma in #282
- Rewrite getIsAdmin() and getIsOwner() To Return Boolean by @zakgilbert in #284
- redirect and log user out when removing self from admin by @yiwenc22 in #286
- Fix typo in comment. by @zakgilbert in #287
- Reimplement getOwned Groupings. by @zakgilbert in #288
- Unable to add member to lists ( include, excluded, and owners) by @zakgilbert in #292
- GROUPINGS-715 by @nadine-alcantara in #293
- Dev john 548 by @johnbigornia in #290
- GROUPINGS-691: Refactor Composite Groupings description char length by @zakgilbert in #294
- fix adding multiple members to include and exclude by @Irene-ma in #295
- fixed error on save descriptions by @yiwenc22 in #296
- GROUPINGS-724 by @nadine-alcantara in #298
- GROUPINGS 741 by @andreweemmons in #300
- Fixed faulty email service beans, and added snedWithStack() function … by @nzenger in #304
- Changed some formatting in the email service by @nzenger in #307
- 757- fix ui inconsistencies by @miraabela in #305
- Groupings-677 by @nadine-alcantara in #309
- Dev nzenger 762 by @nzenger in #311
- Removed unnecessary if statements breaking check all boxes by @Kobeyarai808 in #308
- Restriciting how current membership page gets populated. by @nzenger in #312
- Searching for invalid user returns stack dump- Groupings-770 by @zakgilbert in #315
- Update general.controller.js by @mikel-ishihara in #318
- Dev nzenger 773 by @nzenger in #319
- Groupings-748 by @nadine-alcantara in #320
- Tabs are now preserved on refresh on memberships and admin page. by @nzenger in #321
- GROUPINGS-476: Batch delete function by @ryotabs in #322
- Done with ADA bugs. by @miraabela in #324
- GROUPINGS-789 by @nadine-alcantara in #325
- Dev nzenger 676 by @nzenger in #326
- register controllers in App by @Irene-ma in #327
- Fix codacy errors by @Irene-ma in #328
- Started a clean branch and imported failure analyzer code. by @johnbigornia in #316
- FIXED DISPLAY LIST length bug by @yiwenc22 in #329
- Commented out problematic line in GroupingsRestController.java causing test to fail by @Kobeyarai808 in #332
- Revert "Commented out problematic line in GroupingsRestController.java causing test to fail" by @Kobeyarai808 in #335
- Refactor add, remove, optin, optout by @zakgilbert in #323
- Added role checking for the check all function and bs alert to notify… by @nzenger in #337
- JS no longer shows up on home page with the use of hidden and onload. by @nzenger in #338
- Groupings-336 by @nadine-alcantara in #336
- Fixed Manage Person alert bug. by @nzenger in #339
- return to groupings button by @miraabela in #331
- change opt-out icon by @miraabela in #347
- placement of search and filter bars by @miraabela in #348
- Grouping-740 - Speed Up Navg in grouping by @yiwenc22 in #359
- Refactor/Implement getIsOwner and getIsAdmin-GROUPINGS-829 by @zakgilbert in #357
- GROUPINGS-821 switch id and wrench icon by @miraabela in #360
- Fixed typo in general.controller.js by @chakhon in #362
- Added favicon.ico by @chakhon in #363
- GROUPINGS-837 by @yiwenc22 in #365
- Remove and replace line 16 & 18 on header.html to adhere to project standard by @chakhon in #368
- Dev-gavin4-851 by @devgav in #367
- New getMemberships function returns different number of Memberships than Old function.-GROUPINGS-842 by @zakgilbert in #364
- Dev kobeya 811 and 864 by @Kobeyarai808 in #371
- Learning how to use the git command line. by @Kobeyarai808 in #372
- testing how to use git by @Kobeyarai808 in #373
- GROUPING-856 by @yiwenc22 in #374
- Fixes for UI regressions by @chakhon in #379
- GROUPINGS-879, 883, 890 by @nadine-alcantara in #381
- /groupings - implement new 'hidden' attribute to determine which Sync destination can be displayed-GROUPINGS-768 by @zakgilbert in #380
- Create an endpoint that sends the number of memberships and groupings owned. by @chakhon in #384
- Groupings-900 by @ruizaj in #390
- Fix Failing Jasmine Tests-GROUPINGS-891 by @zakgilbert in #389
- Dev zakg 891 by @zakgilbert in #400
- Dev zakg 891 by @zakgilbert in #401
- Dev zakg 891 by @zakgilbert in #402
- GROUPINGS-787 by @nadine-alcantara in #398
- Find another way to access $scope.currentUser by @chakhon in #395
- Revert "Find another way to access $scope.currentUser" by @chakhon in #404
- getMemberAttributes return Person instead of Map-GROUPINGS-912 by @zakgilbert in #403
- $scope.currentUser is being hydrated Incorrectly by @chakhon in #405
- Bump owasp-java-html-sanitizer version. by @fduckart in #417
- Console log errors on landing page GROUPINGS-925 by @zakgilbert in #412
- Fix Remove button for removing users via textbox by @zakgilbert in #437
- 908/921: Backported Changes by @ruizaj in #432
- Added aditional height padding to .form-control-sm by @Kobeyarai808 in #441
- Rename existsInGrouper to validateAndAddUser, fix bug where adding invalid user does not create error modal, for dev-2-2-0 by @chakhon in #444
- Cover Groupings.Service.js by @zakgilbert in #448
- Fix Unit Test by @zakgilbert in #452
- Remove multiple members from UH Groupings doesn't work, dev-2-2-0 #933 by @devgav in #442
- add ng-clock to hide numberOfMembership & numberOfGroupings javascript for 2-2-0 by @chakhon in #451
- 2.2.0 ADA bugs: /Admin Manage Groupings Overview by @zakgilbert in #465
- 2.2.0 ADA bugs /info page by @chakhon in #457
- 2.2.0 ADA bugs /admin, Manage Person page by @chakhon in #462
- 2.2.0 ADA bugs /admin, Manage Admin page by @chakhon in #460
- Fixed Include and Manage Groupings ADA Bugs by @Kobeyarai808 in #469
- Consider Removing Integration Tests from UI by @zakgilbert in #475
- Delete JQuery script - 753 by @William-Liang808 in #478
- use ng-bind to hide javascript flashes for dev-2-2-0 by @chakhon in #472
- Groupings - 753 fix by @William-Liang808 in #482
- Removed HttpRequestService Interface by @Kobeyarai808 in #486
- Startup analyzer and handshake property option. String utilility clean up. by @fduckart in #488
- HTML file is named incorrectly by @zakgilbert in #492
- fix console error warnings for dev-2-2-0 by @chakhon in #495
- Fix checkbox UI regression by @William-Liang808 in #496
- ADA bug fix /Groupings page for dev-2-2-0 by @chakhon in #501
- MultiAdd results should not display users who weren't added by @zakgilbert in #497
- Fix ADA bugs #980 by @devgav in #504
- Removing invalid members to Include and Exclude shows wrong error mod… by @zakgilbert in #502
- Fix admin member filter displaying uhUuid by @William-Liang808 in #503
- Fix modal format by @William-Liang808 in #505
- Fix removing by checkboxes in grouping #1013 by @devgav in #507
- Rename overrides filename #1016 by @devgav in #509
- Fix Typo in Modal by @zakgilbert in #511
- Fix uhUuid swap by @William-Liang808 in #512
- Implement a toggle to show/hide admin tab when in Grouping 2-2-0 by @devgav in #517
- Display failed adds - Groupings - 1012 by @William-Liang808 in #521
- Fix general codacy codestyle issues by @William-Liang808 in #529
- Fix owners not being able to opt out of groupings by @devgav in #531
- Sanitize Uploaded Files by @devgav in #537
- MultiAdd feature incorrectly displays info by @zakgilbert in #545
- Jasmine Testing for adding members to include through file upload by @devgav in #553
- Backport 'Export CSV' button position by @zakgilbert in #566
- backport clipboard copy fix on admin tab by @Irene-ma in #576
- Dev-2-2-0 GROUPING-871: add sole owner removal warning, owner removal warning by @chakhon in #570
- Removes Export to CSV button by @William-Liang808 in #579
- Dev 2 2 0 kobeya 1002 by @Kobeyarai808 in #584
- Fixed messages.properties by @Kobeyarai808 in #586
- Fix broken add member input by @devgav in #591
- Fix listing field not displaying data by @devgav in #592
- Remove Large Import Email Feature by @zakgilbert in #604
- /admin & /grouping remove user button does not work in dev-2-2-0 by @zakgilbert in #606
- Fix grouper sync dest selection not staying checked by @devgav in #620
- Dev gavin4 1157 2 2 by @devgav in #632
- Fixes check all box not clearing in /admin manage person tab by @KaileeHung in #630
- Moves placement of error message in manage person to the left by @KaileeHung in #637
- Updates maven wrapper by @KaileeHung in #633
- Update info.html links to messages.properties by @devgav in #640
- Table empties after doing empty search in admin by @carolwong492 in #638
- Fix owner not being sent to home page after removing themselves from … by @devgav in #642
- add testing for when a user sends a problem as a feedback type with n… by @devgav in #641
- Fixed displaying complete list of memberships by @carolwong492 in #676
- Possible fix for inactivity warning on production by @KaileeHung in #690
- Fixes timeout logout in production by @JorWo in #702
New Contributors
- @nzenger made their first contribution in #182
- @johnbigornia made their first contribution in #202
- @jayryanj made their first contribution in #227
- @miraabela made their first contribution in #305
Full Changelog: V2.1.0.RELEASE...V2.2.4.RELEASE