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Collections API Object Model
The Te Papa Collections API endpoints return collection resources (artefacts and specimens), related entities (people, places, etc.), and related concepts (subjects, techniques, taxon, etc.).
Each API endpoint provides one or two data formats:
(see the Linked Data section below).
Collection resources
- Collection object
- Collection specimen
- Topic (Te Papa document describing a topic)
- Media
Related entities
- Person
- Organisation
- Collaboration
- Place
- Publication (external document)
- Field Collection
Related concepts
Structural types
Each collection object or specimen is in 1 of 22 collection areas.
The area name appears in the collection
and collectionLabel
fields of each collection record. Topics are also associated with collection areas.
These area names can be used to limit the scope of search queries,
for example ?q=auckland AND collection:PacificCultures
Object collection areas
- Art
- History
- PacificCultures
- Philatelic
- Photography
- TaongaMāori
- RareBooks
- CollectedArchives
- MuseumArchives
Specimen collection areas
- Archaeozoology
- Birds
- Fish
- FossilVertebrates
- Geology
- Crustacea
- Molluscs
- MarineInvertebrates
- MarineMammals
- LandMammals
- Plants
- ReptilesAndAmphibians
- Insects
All resource, entity, and concept records contain the following fields (except for some embedded records may not have an id or _meta field).
Field | Type | Description | Example | LD IRI |
type | string | The object type | Specimen |
rdfs:type |
title | string | The object label (may be repeated in other fields) | Wellington waterfront |
dc:title |
_meta | object | Metadata about the record itself | {created: "1994-02-16T06:51:26Z"} |
- |
id | int | Persistent internal ID (unique within each endpoint) | 12345 |
- |
pid | string | Persistent namespaced identifier (in development) | tepapa:collection/object/12345 |
- |
iri | string | Persistent IRI (in development) | http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/12345 |
- |
href | string | API IRI for this record | https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/12345 |
- |
Search results contain the following fields.
Field | Type | Description | Example |
results | array of object | The set of objects found | {results: [ {...}, {...} ] } |
_metadata | object | Metadata about the resultset itself | {results: [...], _metadata:{ resultset:{count:52556, from:0, size:100} } } |
_api.score | float | Each result item's score | {results: [ {..., _api:{score:18.3445} } ] } |
The API endpoints provide standard JSON data for Web use.
The /object
endpoint also provides JSON-LD for
Linked Data use.
The JSON-LD data that the API returns is identical to the standard JSON but
contains an extra @context
field file that translates the JSON into
Resource Description Format
data. Currently this JSON-LD implementation is experimental.
Linked Data uses IRIs (URIs) to uniquely identify fields and values. The IRI namespaces that the API uses include:
- tp - Te Papa - http://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/term/
- rdfs - RDF Schema - http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
- owl - Web Ontology Language - http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
- dc - Dublin Core - http://purl.org/dc/terms/
- dcmitype - Dublin Core Type - http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/
- foaf - Friend of a Friend - http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
- skos - Simple Knowledge Organization System - http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#
- xsd - XML Schema - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
- schema - schema.org - http://schema.org/
- vcard - vCard (electronic business card) - http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#
- geo - Basic Geo Vocabulary - http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#
- dwc - Darwin Core - http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/iri/
- dsw - Darwin Semantic Web - http://purl.org/dsw/
- crm - CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model - http://www.cidoc-crm.org/cidoc-crm/
- edm - Europeana Data Model - http://www.europeana.eu/schemas/edm/
- ore - Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange - http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/
- getty - Getty Vocabulary Program ontology - http://vocab.getty.edu/ontology#
- aat - Art and Architecture Thesaurus (Getty) - http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/
- tgn - Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty) - http://vocab.getty.edu/tgn/
- tgm - Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (Library of Congress) - http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/
- cc - Creative Commons - https://creativecommons.org/ns#
Endpoint: /object
Type value: Object
Type IRI: crm:E19_Physical_Object
An artefact of cultural value to Aotearoa New Zealand that was selected and added to Te Papa's collections. May be physical, digital, or biological.
Each collection object is in 1 of 9 collection areas.
The area name appears in the collection
field of each collection
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/38664
"id": 38664,
"type": "Object",
"additionalType": [
"collection": "Art",
"collectionLabel": "Art",
"identifier": "1978-0009-1/A-H to H-H",
"previousIdentifier": [
"type": "Identifier",
"identifier": "1809",
"title": "1809"
"type": "Identifier",
"identifier": "cm001026",
"title": "cm001026",
"notes": "catalogue raisonne number"
"title": "Northland panels",
"production": [
"type": "Production",
"title": "Colin McCahon; artist; 1958; Auckland",
"contributor": {
"id": 1502,
"type": "Person",
"title": "Colin McCahon",
"verbatimBirthDate": "1 August 1919",
"birthDate": "1919-08-01",
"verbatimDeathDate": "27 May 1987",
"deathDate": "1987-05-27",
"nationality": [
"New Zealander"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/1502",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/1502",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/1502"
"createdDate": "1958",
"facetCreatedDate": {
"century": "20th century",
"dayOfWeek": "Unknown",
"decadeOfCentury": "1950s",
"era": "Common Era (CE)",
"monthOfYear": "Unknown",
"temporal": "1958",
"verbatim": "1958",
"year": "1958"
"role": "artist",
"spatial": {
"id": 2792610,
"type": "Place",
"title": "Auckland (New Zealand)",
"prefLabel": "Auckland",
"exactMatch": "tgn:7001766",
"nation": [
"New Zealand"
"scopeNote": "Largest city & former capital (replaced by Wellington); principal port; monuments include City Art Gallery, War Memorial Museum (houses large collection of Maori artifacts); has largest concentration Maoris in nation, & large Polynesian population.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/place/2792610",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2792610",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2792610"
"verbatimCreatedDate": "1958"
"productionUsedTechnique": [
"id": 322968,
"type": "Category",
"title": "painting",
"prefLabel": "painting",
"exactMatch": "aat:300054216",
"scopeNote": "The art and practice of applying pigments suspended in water, oil, egg yolk, molten wax, or other liquid to a surface to create an expressive or communicative image. For the application of paint primarily to protect a surface or add a general color, use \"painting (coating).\"",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/322968",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/322968",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/322968"
"isTypeOf": [
"id": 306281,
"type": "Category",
"title": "paintings",
"prefLabel": "paintings",
"exactMatch": "aat:300033618",
"scopeNote": "Use for unique works in which images are formed primarily by the direct application of pigments suspended in oil, water, egg yolk, molten wax, or other liquid, arranged in masses of color, onto a generally two-dimensional surface.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/306281",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/306281",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/306281"
"isMadeOfSummary": "alkyd on unstretched canvas",
"isMadeOf": [
"id": 305229,
"type": "Category",
"title": "oil-modified alkyd",
"prefLabel": "oil-modified alkyd",
"exactMatch": "aat:300044085",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/305229",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305229",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305229"
"id": 305198,
"type": "Category",
"title": "canvas",
"prefLabel": "canvas",
"exactMatch": "aat:300014078",
"scopeNote": "Use for closely woven textile made in various weights, usually of flax, hemp, jute, or cotton, used especially for sails, tarpaulins, awnings, upholstery, and as a support for oil painting. Also used for a latticelike mesh made of similar material, used as a needlepoint foundation.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/305198",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305198",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305198"
"depicts": [
"id": 425849,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Landscape paintings",
"prefLabel": "Landscape paintings",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm005793",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/425849",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/425849",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/425849"
"id": 425061,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Hills",
"prefLabel": "Hills",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm005005",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/425061",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/425061",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/425061"
"id": 422252,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Clouds",
"prefLabel": "Clouds",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm002200",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/422252",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/422252",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/422252"
"id": 429012,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Roads",
"prefLabel": "Roads",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm008950",
"scopeNote": "For thoroughfares outside of cities, towns, and villages. Search under STREETS for thoroughfares in cities, towns, and villages.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/429012",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/429012",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/429012"
"id": 424278,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Forests",
"prefLabel": "Forests",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm004226",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/424278",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/424278",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/424278"
"id": 421093,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Birds",
"prefLabel": "Birds",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm001044",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/421093",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/421093",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/421093"
"id": 2238534,
"type": "Place",
"title": "Northland (New Zealand)",
"prefLabel": "Northland",
"exactMatch": "tgn:7000507",
"nation": [
"New Zealand"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/place/2238534",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2238534",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2238534"
"influencedBy": [
"id": 303161,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Abstract Expressionist",
"prefLabel": "Abstract Expressionist",
"exactMatch": "aat:300022099",
"scopeNote": "Refers to the movement in American painting, centered mainly in New York, that flourished in the 1940s and 1950s. Incorporating theories of Surrealism, Synthetic Cubism, and Neo-Plasticism, styles ranged from spontaneous, gestural compositions that paid attention to the qualities of the painting materials and stood as records of the painting process, to contemplative, near monochromatic works featuring large areas of color.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/303161",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/303161",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/303161"
"observedDimension": [
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Overall: 5638mm (width), 1779mm (height)",
"width": 5638,
"height": 1779,
"date": "21 Nov 2013",
"extentType": "Overall",
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"creditLine": "Purchased 1978 with Ellen Eames Collection funds and assistance from the New Zealand Lottery Board",
"acknowledgement": "© Courtesy of the Colin McCahon Research and Publication Trust",
"caption": "Northland panels, 1958, Auckland, by Colin McCahon. Purchased 1978 with Ellen Eames Collection funds and assistance from the New Zealand Lottery Board. © Courtesy of the Colin McCahon Research and Publication Trust. Te Papa (1978-0009-1/A-H to H-H)",
"captionFormatted": "<a href=\"https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/38664\">Northland panels</a>, 1958, Auckland, by Colin McCahon. Purchased 1978 with Ellen Eames Collection funds and assistance from the New Zealand Lottery Board. © Courtesy of the Colin McCahon Research and Publication Trust. Te Papa (1978-0009-1/A-H to H-H)",
"isReferencedBy": [
"id": 946,
"type": "Topic",
"title": "McCahon’s Northland Panels",
"purpose": [
"General Collection Narrative"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/topic/946",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/946",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/946"
"id": 947,
"type": "Topic",
"title": "Biography of Colin McCahon",
"purpose": [
"General Collection Narrative"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/topic/947",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/947",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/947"
"id": 2923,
"type": "Topic",
"title": "Tales from Te Papa Episode 64: Painter's Nightmare",
"purpose": [
"General Collection Narrative"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/topic/2923",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/2923",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/2923"
"id": 38,
"type": "Topic",
"title": "Toi Te Papa exhibition",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/topic/38",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/38",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/38"
"id": 3800,
"type": "Publication",
"title": "Art at Te Papa",
"purpose": [
"publicationDate": [
"pid": "tepapa:collection/document/3800",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3800",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3800"
"hasRepresentation": [
"id": 15219,
"type": "ImageObject",
"additionalType": [
"title": "McCahon, Colin \"Northland Panels\" 1978-0009-1/A-H to H-H",
"contentUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/15219/full",
"previewUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/15219/preview",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/15219/thumb",
"iiifUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/15219/iiif",
"width": 6000,
"height": 1857,
"contentSize": 7483186,
"facetMediaType": [
"facetPermissionType": [
"fileFormat": "image/jpeg",
"rights": {
"type": "Right",
"title": "All Rights Reserved",
"allowsDownload": false
"pid": "tepapa:collection/media/15219",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/media/15219",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/media/15219"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/38664",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/38664",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/38664",
"_meta": {
"created": "1996-06-27T07:58:19Z",
"modified": "2017-04-11T03:47:31Z",
"qualityScore": 6.2083335
Endpoint: /object
Type value: Specimen
Type IRI: dwc:PreservedSpecimen
A biological object of value to Aotearoa New Zealand that was selected and added to the Te Papa collections.
Note that there may be a very large number of specimens for the same species. This makes it possible to study the species' distribution across the country over time.
Each specimen is in 1 of 11 collection areas.
The area name appears in the collection
field of each specimen record.
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/1264558
"id": 1264558,
"type": "Specimen",
"additionalType": [
"collection": "Birds",
"collectionLabel": "Birds",
"identifier": "OR.029446",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur",
"basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"evidenceFor": {
"type": "Occurrence",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur at: Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu, 16 Jul 2011",
"atEvent": {
"id": 238051,
"type": "FieldCollection",
"title": "I Debski; 16 Jul 2011; Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu",
"atLocation": {
"type": "Location",
"title": "Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu",
"country": "New Zealand",
"locality": "Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu"
"eventDate": "2011-07-16",
"recordedBy": [
"id": 45836,
"type": "Person",
"title": "Igor Debski",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/45836",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/45836",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/45836"
"verbatimEventDate": "16 Jul 2011",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/fieldcollection/238051",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/fieldcollection/238051",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/fieldcollection/238051"
"identification": [
"type": "Identification",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur, 18 Aug 2011",
"dateIdentified": "2011-08-18",
"identifiedBy": {
"id": 5058,
"type": "Person",
"title": "Alan Tennyson",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/5058",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/5058",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/5058"
"qualifiedName": "Pachyptila turtur",
"toTaxon": {
"id": 10352,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila turtur",
"higherClassification": "Animalia | Chordata | Aves | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | Pachyptila | turtur",
"family": "Procellariidae",
"genus": "Pachyptila",
"species": "turtur",
"rank": "Species",
"vernacularName": [
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Fairy Prion"
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Titi Wainui"
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Petrel"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/10352",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/10352",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/10352"
"specimenType": "skin",
"lifeStage": "adult",
"sex": "female",
"organismQuantity": "1",
"observedDimension": [
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Bill: 22.6mm (length)",
"extentType": "Bill",
"length": 22.6,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Tarsus: 31.5mm (length)",
"extentType": "Tarsus",
"length": 31.5,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Mid-toe and Claw: 37.5mm (length)",
"extentType": "Mid-toe and Claw",
"length": 37.5,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Wing: 178mm (length)",
"extentType": "Wing",
"length": 178,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Tail: 90mm (length)",
"extentType": "Tail",
"length": 90,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Ovary (left): 3.7mm (width), 7.4mm (length)",
"width": 3.7,
"extentType": "Ovary (left)",
"length": 7.4,
"sizeUnitText": "mm"
"type": "Measurement",
"title": "Weight: 91g",
"extentType": "Weight",
"weight": 91,
"weightUnitText": "g"
"creditLine": "Donation 2010",
"caption": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur, collected 16 July 2011, Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu, New Zealand. Donation 2010. Te Papa (OR.029446)",
"captionFormatted": "<a href=\"https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/1264558\">Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur</a>, collected 16 July 2011, Pekapeka Beach, Manawatu, New Zealand. Donation 2010. Te Papa (OR.029446)",
"institutionCode": "NMNZ",
"isReferencedBy": [
"id": 3817,
"type": "Publication",
"title": "The great prion wreck of 2011",
"purpose": [
"publicationDate": [
" Aug 2012"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/document/3817",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3817",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3817"
"collectionCode": "Birds",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/1264558",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/1264558",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/1264558",
"_meta": {
"created": "2012-02-06T23:20:36Z",
"modified": "2015-10-12T03:23:48Z",
"qualityScore": 4.214286
Endpoint: /topic
Type value: Topic
Type IRI: tp:Topic
A narrative or description written by Te Papa staff about a featured topic relevant to the Te Papa collections.
The narrative
field contains the full narrative content with HTML markup.
A short version appears in the narrativeSummary
field (without markup).
Related objects and topics appear in the fields: relatedObjects
and relatedTopics
Other fields indicate subjects that the topic is relevant to: materials
, periodStyle
, place
, and subject
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/topic/946
"id": 946,
"type": "Topic",
"collection": [
"collectionLabel": [
"title": "McCahon’s Northland Panels",
"purpose": [
"General Collection Narrative"
"narrativeSummary": "The Northland Panels consists of eight separate pieces of unstretched, unframed, hanging canvas, each one depicting a scene of rural Northland.",
"narrative": "<P>The <EM>Northland Panels</EM> consists of eight separate pieces of unstretched, unframed, hanging canvas, each one depicting a scene of rural Northland. The pieces are: <BR>1) <EM>Black and White</EM><BR>2) <EM>Red Clay Landscape</EM><BR>3) <EM>Manuka and Red Clay Landscape</EM> <BR>4) <EM>Rain </EM> <BR>5) <EM>A landscape with too few lovers</EM> <BR>6) <EM>Tui </EM> <BR>7) <EM>Landscape with White Road</EM> <BR>8) <EM>It can be dark here</EM></P>\n<P>The <EM>Northland Panels</EM> were painted after McCahon returned from an extensive tour of the United States. While there he visited over sixty art galleries, met curators and artists, and saw a number of large-scale abstract paintings by various contemporary American artists. These artists included Abstract Expressionists Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem De Kooning and a number of artists working in the San Francisco Bay area.</P>\n<P>The work of the Abstract Expressionists inspired McCahon to paint on a larger scale – with a looser, more expressive style. </P>\n<P>McCahon was fascinated by very large paintings, such as Jackson Pollock’s <EM>Autumn Rhythm</EM> and Picasso’s <EM>Guernica</EM>, which McCahon described as ‘one of the few really splendid works’ (1). It was after seeing these large works that McCahon realised the ‘importance of pictures for people to walk past’ (2).</P>\n<P>After his arrival back home in Titirangi, McCahon painted the <EM>Northland Panels</EM> in a single August afternoon, using house paint. However, further changes and alterations were carried out over subsequent weeks, and the work was not actually signed and dated until November that year.</P>\n<P>The <EM>Northland Panels</EM> were partly a response to the enclosure McCahon felt on his return to New Zealand. ‘We went home to the bush of Titirangi. It was cold and dripping and shut in…. I fled north in memory and painted the <EM>Northland Panels</EM>. I was just bursting for the wide open spaces.’ (3). On his imaginary ‘journey’ to Northland, McCahon envisaged a landscape which he remembered as being ‘uniquely New Zealand’ but which also had an affinity with parts of America which had overwhelmed him with their expansiveness. </P>\n<P>The size of the <EM>Northland Panels</EM> reflects McCahon’s reaction to vast American landscapes. He had travelled to the Salt Lakes in Utah and had been awed by the incredible size of some American cities that were ‘taller by far than kauri trees’. (4). The scale of the <EM>Northland Panels</EM> means the viewer is forced to walk past the panels in order to view them, creating a sense of ‘walking through’ the landscape.</P>\n<P>McCahon often uses written words in his paintings in order to communicate more directly with the viewer. The words ‘Rain’ and ‘Tui, Tui, Tui’ in the <EM>Northland Panels</EM> imply sounds and smells – as well as sights. McCahon believed we should be sensitive to ‘life’ in a seemingly empty landscape, and treasure it. We don’t see the tui in the panel ‘Tui’, but the word is ‘heard’ coming from the bush, so we know it is there. <BR> </P>\n<P>The landscape McCahon depicts is ordinary – ‘snap shots’ of Northland rather than glamorous tourist scenes like Mitre Peak or Milford Sound. McCahon believed that New Zealanders take the ordinary New Zealand landscape too much for granted, thereby endangering it with their indifference. ‘McCahon is saying that it is a mistake to equate the landscape with “scenery” as tourist organizations do… His concern is for a land so taken for granted that it is never truly seen for what it is.’ (5).</P>\n<P>The <EM>Northland Panels</EM>, one of McCahon’s major works, represents a turning point in his style. In this work we witness his continuing concern for the New Zealand landscape – deepened by the experience of leaving, seeing new cultural and natural worlds, and then returning with a fresh outlook.</P>\n<P><STRONG>References </STRONG><BR>(1) Brown, Gordon H. (1993). <EM>Colin McCahon: artist</EM>. Auckland: Reed. <BR> Revised edition. p 88.</P>\n<P>(2) Brown. (1993). p 93.</P>\n<P>(3-4) Brown. (1993). p 95.</P>\n<P>(5) Brown, Gordon H. (1984). <EM>Colin McCahon: artist</EM>. Wellington: Reed. p. 96.</P>\n<P><EM>Text originally published in Tai Awatea, Te Papa's onfloor multimedia database (1998).</EM></P>",
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"title": "Abstract Expressionist",
"prefLabel": "Abstract Expressionist",
"exactMatch": "aat:300022099",
"scopeNote": "Refers to the movement in American painting, centered mainly in New York, that flourished in the 1940s and 1950s. Incorporating theories of Surrealism, Synthetic Cubism, and Neo-Plasticism, styles ranged from spontaneous, gestural compositions that paid attention to the qualities of the painting materials and stood as records of the painting process, to contemplative, near monochromatic works featuring large areas of color.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/303161",
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/1502"
"id": 34641,
"type": "Person",
"title": "Jackson Pollock",
"verbatimBirthDate": "28 Jan 1912",
"birthDate": "1912-01-28",
"verbatimDeathDate": "11 Aug 1956",
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"title": "Pablo Picasso",
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/5058"
"narrativeSummary": "An estimated quarter of a million prions (Procellariidae:Pachyptila spp) died during a severe storm that affected much of New Zealand during July 2011.",
"narrative": "<P>An estimated quarter of a million prions (Procellariidae:Pachyptila spp) died during a severe storm that affected much of New Zealand during July 2011. Starved prions of all 6 species were recovered dead, although 80% were broad-billed prions (P. vittata). Densities of dead birds on some beaches on the west coast of the North Island exceeded 1000 birds km-1.</P>\n<P>The 2011 prion wreck was by far the largest seabird mortality event ever recorded in New Zealand. The largest previous prion wreck recorded was about 15,000 birds in 2002. The largest previous wreck of broad-billed prions was 1385 birds in 1961. </P>\n<P>Download the poster for more information</P>",
"isAbout": [
"id": 430282,
"type": "Category",
"title": "Storms",
"prefLabel": "Storms",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm010215",
"scopeNote": "Includes the event and any resulting damage.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/430282",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/430282",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/430282"
"id": 421093,
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"title": "Birds",
"prefLabel": "Birds",
"exactMatch": "tgm:tgm001044",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/421093",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/421093",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/421093"
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"id": 2900,
"type": "Organisation",
"title": "Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa",
"verbatimBirthDate": "14 Feb 1998",
"birthDate": "1998-02-14",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/2900",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/2900",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/2900"
"id": 47103,
"type": "Organisation",
"title": "Department of Conservation",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/47103",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/47103",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/47103"
"id": 2001815,
"type": "Place",
"title": "Chatham Islands (New Zealand)",
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"exactMatch": "tgn:1009931",
"nation": [
"New Zealand"
"scopeNote": "Two islands located in S Pacific Ocean; charted by Europeans in 1791.",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/place/2001815",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2001815",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/place/2001815"
"id": 5823,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Prion, Pachyptila",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila",
"taxonRank": "Genus",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila",
"higherClassification": "Animalia | Chordata | Aves | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | Pachyptila",
"vernacularName": [
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Prion"
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Petrel"
"vernacularNameGroups": [
"commonName": "Prion"
"commonName": "Petrel"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/5823",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/5823",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/5823"
"hasRepresentation": [
"id": 287209,
"type": "TextDigitalDocument",
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"identifier": "MA_DOC.001381",
"title": "The great prion wreck of 2011",
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/media/287209"
"id": 287669,
"type": "ImageObject",
"additionalType": [
"title": "The great prion wreck of 2011, poster",
"contentUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/287669/full",
"previewUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/287669/preview",
"thumbnailUrl": "https://media.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/287669/thumb",
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/media/287669"
"relatedObjects": [
"id": 498619,
"type": "Specimen",
"collection": "Birds",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/498619",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/498619",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/498619"
"id": 1264558,
"type": "Specimen",
"collection": "Birds",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/1264558",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/1264558",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/1264558"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/document/3817",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3817",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/document/3817",
"_meta": {
"created": "2012-08-23T01:40:36Z",
"modified": "2018-03-01T02:02:35Z",
"qualityScore": 5.845484
Endpoint: /taxon
Type value: Taxon
Type IRI: dwc:Taxon
A Linnaean biological classification used to classify organism specimens in the Te Papa collections.
The taxon's classification level appears in the taxonRank
Its parent classification hierarchy levels appear in the fields:
, phylum
, class
, order
, family
, genus
, species
and subspecies
(as appropriate).
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/10352
"id": 10352,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila turtur",
"basisOfRecord": "Taxon",
"taxonRank": "Species",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila turtur",
"higherClassification": "Animalia | Chordata | Aves | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | Pachyptila | turtur",
"kingdom": "Animalia",
"class": "Aves",
"order": "Procellariiformes",
"family": "Procellariidae",
"genus": "Pachyptila",
"species": "turtur",
"narrowerRanks": [
"id": 15390,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Fairy Prion , Pachyptila turtur turtur",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila turtur turtur",
"taxonRank": "Subspecies",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila turtur turtur",
"species": "turtur",
"commonName": [
"Fairy Prion ",
"Titi Wainui",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/15390",
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/15390"
"id": 15420,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Subantarctic Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur eatoni",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila turtur eatoni",
"taxonRank": "Subspecies",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila turtur eatoni",
"species": "turtur",
"commonName": [
"Subantarctic Fairy Prion",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/15420",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/15420",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/15420"
"id": 59395,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Fairy Prion, Pachyptila turtur subantarctica W.R.B.Oliv., 1955",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila turtur subantarctica W.R.B.Oliv., 1955",
"taxonRank": "Subspecies",
"scientificName": "Pachyptila turtur subantarctica W.R.B.Oliv., 1955",
"species": "turtur",
"commonName": [
"Fairy Prion"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/59395",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/59395",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/59395"
"nomenclaturalCode": "ICZN",
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"vernacularName": [
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"title": "Fairy Prion"
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Titi Wainui"
"type": "VernacularName",
"title": "Petrel"
"broaderRank": {
"id": 5823,
"type": "Taxon",
"title": "Prion, Pachyptila",
"prefLabel": "Pachyptila",
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"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/5823",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/5823",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/5823"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/taxon/10352",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/10352",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/taxon/10352",
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Endpoint: /category
Type value: Category
Type IRI: skos:Concept
An abstract topic or subject that a thing is about.
Categories are terms taken from controlled vocabularies. The key fields are:
- the standardised term -
- equivalent alternative and common terms -
- related terms.
Category terms are drawn from these controlled vocabularies (with New Zealand extensions):
- Art and Architecture Thesaurus
- Thesaurus for Graphic Materials
- Statistical standard for ethnicity
- Iwi (Ministry for Culture and Heritage)
- Mātauranga Māori Thesaurus (Te Papa)
- Taonga Māori Development Periods (Te Papa)
The source vocabulary can be identified in the creditLine
and exactMatch
Note that some vocabulary terms contain 'angle brackets', e.g. <visual works>
- these are not used as categories but exist to help organise the hierarchy of terms into logical groups.
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305
"id": 305,
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"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/318423",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/318423"
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"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/746"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/category/305",
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"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/category/305",
"_meta": {
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"modified": "2014-01-27T03:03:14Z",
"qualityScore": 1
Endpoint: /fieldcollection
Type value: Field Collection
Type IRI: dwc:Event
The collection event when a specimen was collected in the field to be placed into a Te Papa Collection. Multiple specimens may be collected at the same time in a single field collection event. The environment at the time and place of collection can be important for future research so is usually added into the record.
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/fieldcollection/200030
"id": 200030,
"type": "FieldCollection",
"title": "CC Ogle; 05 Dec 2007; (39 55.25 S - 174 57.55 E); Sea cliffs c. 3.5 km W of Wanganui, c. 2 km NW of Castlecliff.",
"atLocation": {
"type": "Location",
"title": "Sea cliffs c. 3.5 km W of Wanganui, c. 2 km NW of Castlecliff.",
"continent": "Oceania",
"country": "New Zealand",
"ecologicalDistrict": "31.02 Foxton",
"ecologicalRegion": "Manawatu",
"georeferenceSources": [
"NZMS 260: R22 775 411 (Original)"
"locality": "Sea cliffs c. 3.5 km W of Wanganui, c. 2 km NW of Castlecliff.",
"mappingCentroid": {
"lat": -39.91910555554945,
"lon": 174.95913888889226
"mappingDetails": [
"decimalLatitude": -39.9208,
"decimalLongitude": 174.959,
"geodeticDatum": "EPSG:27200"
"maximumElevationInMeters": 10,
"minimumElevationInMeters": 8,
"stateProvince": "North Island, Wellington"
"eventDate": "2007-12-05",
"facetEventDate": {
"century": "21st century",
"dayOfWeek": "Wednesday",
"decadeOfCentury": "2000s",
"era": "Common Era (CE)",
"monthOfYear": "December",
"temporal": "2007-12-05",
"verbatim": "05 Dec 2007",
"year": "2007"
"habitat": [
"Vertical mudstone in eroding gully. On moist mudstone."
"recordedBy": [
"id": 5248,
"type": "Person",
"title": "Colin Ogle",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/agent/5248",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/5248",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/agent/5248"
"verbatimEventDate": "05 Dec 2007",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/fieldcollection/200030",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/fieldcollection/200030",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/fieldcollection/200030",
"_meta": {
"created": "2009-05-22T00:57:10Z",
"modified": "2015-05-13T01:44:59Z",
"qualityScore": 1
Endpoint: /group
Type value: Group
Type IRI: ore:Aggregation
A set of objects, narratives, other groups, etc. grouped together by Te Papa staff for a specific purpose, such as an exhibition, digital product, etc.
Note that aggregated objects do not include a title
field and all show the type Specimen
(which may be incorrect). Follow each href
to retrieve each complete object record.
GET https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/group/17216
"id": 17216,
"type": "Group",
"title": "Art wall historical photo place",
"aggregatedObjects": [
"id": 538237,
"type": "Specimen",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/538237",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/538237",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/538237"
"id": 538247,
"type": "Specimen",
"pid": "tepapa:collection/object/538247",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/538247",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/object/538247"
"pid": "tepapa:collection/group/17216",
"iri": "http://tepapa.govt.nz/collection/group/17216",
"href": "https://data.tepapa.govt.nz/collection/group/17216",
"_meta": {
"created": "2017-10-30T20:52:45Z",
"modified": "2018-07-23T05:24:47Z",
"qualityScore": 1
- Jockey jacket (replica), 1994, Cambridge, by NZ Racing Wear Ltd. Gift of the Wellington Racing Club, Inc., 1997. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Te Papa (GH006334/1)
- Horse, Equus caballus, collected 5 April 1932, Menlo Park, California, United States of America. Gift of DJ Davis and HR Telford, 1932. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Te Papa (LM000760)
- NZ Racing Wear Ltd logo, retrieved January 2016
- Phar Lap, 1920s, maker unknown. Te Papa (O.009451)
- Timaru, itravelnz, 1974. CC BY 2.0. Flickr.
API Reference
Development Project