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Spectrum mode

Simone Maurizio La Cava edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 8 revisions

The spectrum mode allows you to watch your signals' power spectra, easily switching between them.

Thanks to an intractive interface, you can select the location to show, watch different epochs and verify any variation during the time, change the corresponding time window and focus on any frequency band.

The directory

First of all, in the following interface you have to select the directory which contains all your signals.

Here you can insert the name of the directory (with its path) in the text box, or search it on your computer through the button next to it.

Note that if you have switched between study modalities, for example if you computed a guided study or if you used it before in the same session, you will find the previously setted data directory in the text box, so you can change or use it again.

Now you can push the Next > button and go to watch your signals.

Display the signals

In the following interface you can watch the first of the signals' power spectrum of the files contained in your data directory.

Let's learn how this interface works

To switch between signals' spectrum you can use the < Previous button to show the previous case, or the Next > button to show the following one.

To manually translate forward and back the time series, you can use the arrows buttons.

Here, you can go a second or an epoch forward or backwards with the internal buttons or to the external ones, respectively.

In this case an epoch is intended as the same amount of time as the one showed by the interface.

You can also continuously and automatically go forward and backwards in time by pushing the arrows button in the toolbar of this interface.

Through the toolbar you can also show a chosen istant of time, go to the end of the signal or to its beginning, and whatch the related power spectrum.

You can choose the amount of time used as time window, which will correspond to an epoch when you forward and backwards in it, as well as the showed location.

You can always change the minimum frequency and the maximum frequency which have to be shown, and change them whenever you want.

Normally, Athena is able to read the necessary information, such as sampling frequency and locations relative to each record, automatically from the file of each signal.

If some of them are not inside the data file, you can always set them through the respective buttons in the toolbar.

In particular, for the locations list an external file will be required, while for the sampling frequency just enter its value.

Finally, if you need some information can always use the help button, which will open this wiki in a web browser.

When you have finished analyzing visually the power spectra, you can immediately start to perform a study with the pipeline offered by Athena, or perhaps continue the visual analysis in the frequency domain.

So go back to the initial interface and start your study right away!

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