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Rob Sanchez edited this page Nov 1, 2014 · 3 revisions

Dump your database using mysqldump. NOTE: your PHP installation must be able to call mysqldump via the PHP system function. If you have an ENV or ENVIRONMENT constant defined in your config.php, that name will be used in the sql dump file name.

$ eecli db:dump <path>



Optional. Where to create the db dump file.



Change the name of the file from the default.


Compress the backup file with on gzip.


Keep only the specified number database dump files, delete the rest.


Create a sql dump file in the current folder

$ eecli db:dump

create a sql dump file in the specified folder

$ eecli db:dump backups/

Create a sql dump file, gzipped

$ eecli db:dump --gzip

Create a sql dump file, keep the last X backups and delete the rest

$ eecli db:dump --backups=10 --gzip backups/
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