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Rob Sanchez edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 7 revisions

Create a channel. Pass in a channel short name using underscores only and optionally pass in a channel title. If you exclude the channel title, one will be auto-generated from your channel short name.

$ eecli create:channel <name> <title>



What is the short name of the channel? (ex. blog_articles)


Optional. What is the title of the channel? (ex. Blog Articles)



Which field group (ID or name) do you want to assign this channel to?


Which status group (ID or name) do you want to assign this channel to?


Which category group(s) (ID or name) do you want to assign this channel to? You may use this option more than once to provide multiple values.


What is the url for this channel?

--channel_description="Your description here."

What is the description for this channel?

--default_entry_title="Default Title"

What is the default entry title for this channel?


What is the URL Title prefix for this channel?


What is the default status for this channel? Default: open.


What is the default category (ID or name) for this channel?


Do you wish to also create a new field group with the same name as the channel?


Create a channel with the short name test_channel

$ eecli create:channel test_channel

Create a channel with the title Test Channel

$ eecli create:channel test_channel "Test Channel"

Create a channel with field group 5

$ eecli create:channel --field_group=5 test_channel

Create a channel with field group "Blog"

$ eecli create:channel --field_group="Blog" test_channel

Create a channel with status group "Statuses"

$ eecli create:channel --status_group="Statuses" test_channel

Create a channel with category group 5 and 6

$ eecli create:channel --cat_group=5 --cat_group=6 test_channel

Create a channel with category group "Apparel" and "Accessories"

$ eecli create:channel --cat_group="Apparel" --cat_group="Accessories" test_channel

Create a channel with new field group with same title as channel

$ eecli create:channel --new_field_group test_channel
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