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Rob Sanchez edited this page Mar 7, 2015 · 4 revisions

Create a new template. If the template group does not already exist, it will be created.

$ eecli create:template <template>



Template name (ex. site/index site/test)



Use stdin as template contents.


Enable PHP.


Parse PHP on input.


Cache for X seconds.


Protect javascript.


Template Notes.


Type. Default: webpage.


Create a template

$ eecli create:template site/index

Multiple templates

$ eecli create:template site/index site/foo

With php enabled

$ eecli create:template --php site/index

With php enabled on input

$ eecli create:template --php --input site/index

With caching on (for 300 seconds)

$ eecli create:template --cache=300 site/index

Protect javascript

$ eecli create:template --protect_js site/index

Set a type: webpage, feed, css, js, static, xml

$ eecli create:template --type=xml site/index
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