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Game State Scene Flow

AlexanderMcCord edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 5 revisions

These are the following scenes that define the main flow of the game:

  • Bootstrap: Set up the NetworkManager and the LoadingSceneManager instance. Note: NetworkManager is a singleton class that comes with the Netcode API. LoadingSceneManager was made for this project and is also a singleton.

This scene should only be used once per execution of the application. Afterwards, there’s no reason to use it again.

  • Menu: The initial menu of the game. This is the only scene in the game that needs to load on local because there is no network session active.

  • CharacterSelection: This scene is the first one on a network session active, here the players can select the character to use.

  • Controls: Small scene to show the keys to use in game.

  • Gameplay: The main scene where the players control their ship and try to win the game. Enemies, asteroids, and the boss appear in this scene.

  • Victory: Scene to show the score of the players, select which one was the best player based on the score and exit to the menu scene.

  • Defeat: Scene to show score of the player and exit to the menu scene.

This is how the scenes are laid out, every scene has a manager class that sets up the initial information needed to play the scene. On a networked session, you'd normally want to spawn a player for every connected client:

For that, the LoadingSceneManager class has a method that receives a callback every time a client connects, this is only on server/host side. In this callback, we call the manager for each scene to set up the initial data.