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Connection Flow

AlexanderMcCord edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 5 revisions

The connection of clients starts with the MenuManager script where a player can start a new session as a host or join an existing session as a client. This script makes the calls to the NetworkManager methods StartHost() or StartClient(), which come built in with the NGO library:

The main menu you see when you start the game: MainMenu

Calls the MenuManager script in the backend:

public class MenuManager : MonoBehaviour

    public void OnClickHost()

    public void OnClickJoin()


    // We use a coroutine because the server is the one who makes the load
    // we need to make a fade first before calling the start client
    private IEnumerator Join()

        yield return new WaitUntil(() => LoadingFadeEffect.s_canLoad);


When a host starts the network session it is created and it loads the next scene, CharacterSelection.

When a client joins the active session, it automatically is sent to the scene where the host is. This happens because we have selected that the NetworkManager takes care of it. NetworkManager by default has automatic scene management enabled:


This game sample uses automatic scene management, but developers can disable this option in their projects, and create their own custom scene management logic.

Checking if clients can join

If you need to check if the client can join, use the script ClientConnection to verify if the client is allowed to enter the session: clientConnection

This game sample is designed to have up to four players, but developers can use this same technique in their projects to have even more players.

The ClientConnection has a method to check if the client is allowed to enter the game. We need to check two options, when the player is on the character selection screen and when the actual game starts. This is because when on the selection screen we check the network manager for the number of players connected and we determine if we are allowed to enter or not.

When the game starts we need to check the characters data instead to see if the player was already in the game:

public class ClientConnection : SingletonNetwork<ClientConnection>
    // Check if client can connect, there are two different ways to check
    // 1. On the selection screen, always check the network manager for the numbers of clients connected
    // 2. When the game starts after the character selection a new client should never be allowed to enter
    //    so we check the data of the characters because there we now witch character is selected and by who
    private bool CanConnect(ulong clientId)
        if (LoadingSceneManager.Instance.SceneActive == SceneName.CharacterSelection)
            int playersConnected = NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClientsList.Count;

            if (playersConnected > m_maxConnections)
                print($"Sorry we are full {clientId}");
                return false;

            print($"You are allowed to enter {clientId}");
            return true;
            if (ItHasACharacterSelected(clientId))
                print($"You are allowed to enter {clientId}");
                return true;
                print($"Sorry we are full {clientId}");
                return false;


    // Check if the client exist on the characters data
    private bool ItHasACharacterSelected(ulong clientId)
        foreach (var data in m_characterDatas)
            if (data.clientId == clientId)
                return true;

        return false;

Client disconnect

When a client disconnects for the network session, we need to register to the event OnClientDisconnectCallback from the NetworkManager. This event is fire and we can catch which client disconnects and use it to control what will happen.

It's important to take note that when the server/host is shutdown by force (pressing the close on the window or F4) this event does not fire and the clients can't do anything, only force-close to the game.

The CharacterSelectionManager and GameplayManager register to the event and control what to do in case a client leaves the game.

For the CharacterSelectionManager the game needs to remove the client and update the UI and characterData on server and all clients:

public class CharacterSelectionManager : SingletonNetwork<CharacterSelectionManager>

    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        if (IsServer)
            NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += PlayerDisconnects;


    public void PlayerDisconnects(ulong clientId)
        if (!ClientConnection.Instance.IsExtraClient(clientId))

        PlayerNotReady(clientId, isDisconected: true);


        // The client disconnected is the host
        if (clientId == 0)

If a player decides to quit the game during the Gameplay scene, we defeat that player's spaceship on the GameplayManager, which then updates the UI and syncs the status to the other clients:

public class GameplayManager : SingletonNetwork<GameplayManager>

    private void OnEnable()
        if (IsServer)
            OnPlayerDefeated += PlayerDeath;
            NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += OnClientDisconnect;


    private void OnClientDisconnect(ulong clientId)
        foreach (var player in m_playerShips)
            if (player != null)
                if (player.characterData.clientId == clientId)
                    player.Hit(999); // Do critical damage