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Jesse Estry Log

Jesse E edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 12 revisions

Week 1

9 September 2019

Met with team and discussed team organization, client requirements, roles, and meeting times. Worked on setting up the wiki and reaching out to the client as well.

Week 2

15 September 2019

Met with team as well as the client to clarify technical details. Decided as a group to use React as our web app framework and wrote up personas as well as a project description page. The client provided us with some sample data to use for development and made arrangements to meet in the future. Reformatted all of the pages on the wiki to be consistent and look better.

Week 3

Had the flu and was unable to participate for most of the week. Made revisions to the github organization and assisted with rough design.

Week 4

29 September 2019

Worked with the team to create a detailed design and mock-up website. Made further revisions to the github and began closing out issues.

Week 5

2 October 2019

Began researching babel and webpack as well as properly configured my work environment in Visual Studio.

Week 6

13 October 2019

Continued work on the hello world project and worked on the requirements milestone.

Week 7

20 October 2019

Presented the Hello World project and worked with the group to finish the architecture milestone. Met with the client to discuss our progress so far and received positive feedback.

Week 8

27 October 2019

Helped the group get Visual Studio and Github running correctly. Oversaw pull requests and merges as the repo master.

Week 9

3 November 2019

Tried to fix errors in some of the example code I provided. Added to the security, legal, ethical milestone pages.

Week 10

11 November 2019

Met with Dr. Vidal and discussed additional features and requirements we would need to show. Also demonstrated current progress on code.

Weeks 11-12

4 December 2019

Forgot to update logs during this time, see week 13.

Week 13

4 December 2019

Have been working on proof of concept for capstone presentation. Helped reorganize file structure, deployed the app on heroku, fixed several bugs that were preventing builds, and will continue working this week on implementing a back-end for file upload and download to a separate server instance. Additionally implemented new branches for server feature deployments and client feature deployments. Will be working on getting those functional for the rest of the week before our presentation on 12/7. Also have been moderating merges and ensuring that the master deployment is kept functional throughout development.