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Maciej Laskowski edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 2 revisions


AET tests can use a number of useful features which check different elements of a given page. You can find out more information about them on the subpages of this page.

Below you can find a few most common cases which demonstrate how to use these features.

Compare layout without dynamic content

This is a case when you want to test a layout of some page by making a screenshot of this page in a specified resolution. Your page has some dynamic content e.g. carousel or advertisement and you don't want it to influence the result of your test. The following code snippet shows the test suite for such a case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="company" project="project">
    <test name="first-test" useProxy="rest">
            <hide xpath="//div[@id='mw-panel']" />
            <resolution width="800" height="600" />
            <sleep duration="1500"/>
            <screen comparator="layout"/>
            <url href=""/>

This test checks the layout of Wikipedia main page. After opening the page Hide Modifier is used to hide the navigation bar on the left side of the page. Then Resolution Modifier is used to set the screenshot resolution to 800x600 and Screen Collector takes a screenshot. Finally Layout Comparator compares the page layout to the one collected during the previous test run.

Collect status codes from desired range

This is a case when you want to check the status codes of requests generated by the page and you are only interested in a specific range of codes e.g. client errors (codes 400-499). The following code snippet shows the test suite for such a case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="company" project="project">
    <test name="first-test" useProxy="rest">
            <status-codes />
            <status-codes filterRange="400,499" />
            <url href=""/>

This test uses Status Codes Collector to gather status codes for a given url (which in this case points to a non-existent resource). Then Status Codes Comparator is used to display status codes that fit the range starting from 400 up to 499.

Add cookie to remove cookie consent dialog

This is a case when you want to dismiss a dialog asking for consent for storing cookies which has to be displayed if the page needs to be compliant with the EU legislation. Some pages make use of cookies to determine if a dialog should be displayed. The following code snippet shows the test suite for such a case:

<suite name="test-suite" company="company" project="project">
    <test name="first-test" useProxy="rest">
            <modify-cookie action="add" cookie-name="eu_cn" cookie-value="1" />
            <sleep duration="1500"/>
            <screen comparator="layout"/>
            <url href=""/>

This test makes use of Cookie Modifier to add the eu_cn cookie with the value 1 which in this example indicates that the user already gave her/his consent to store cookies. After that screenshots are collected and the layout of the page is compared to the previous test run.

Collect JavaScript errors and ignore specific ones

This is a case when you want to check if there are any JavaScript errors on the page. You know that, for example, some third party library used contains an error but you don't want it to affect your test. The following code snippet shows the test suite for such a case:

<suite name="test-suite" company="company" project="project">
    <test name="first-test" useProxy="rest">
                <js-errors-filter error="Uncaught ReferenceError: variable is not defined"/>
            <url href=""/>

This test makes use of JS Errors Collector to collect JavaScript errors. Then JS Errors Comparator is used do display the issues. Within the comparator JS Errors Data Filter ignoring a specified error is defined.

Compare source ignoring embedded scripts

This is a case, when you want to check the source of the page but you want to exclude some code from comparison. It could be, for instance, an embedded analytics script. The following code snippet shows the test suite for such a case:

<suite name="test-suite" company="company" project="project">
    <test name="first-test" useProxy="rest">
            <source />
            <source comparator="source" compareType="allFormatted">
                <remove-nodes xpath="//script" />
            <url href=""/>

This test makes use of Source Collector to gather source code. Then Source Comparator compares the source of the page with the previous test. The applied Remove Nodes Data Filter removes all <script> nodes from the source before comparison takes place.

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