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What is Typescript and why i choose Typescript

Oliver Leve edited this page Nov 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

Typescript is a superset scripting language written by Microsoft. It adopted the syntax of Javascript and added a static type mechanism to get compiler time errors when referencing the wrong type. It has a strong and large community that can help when having a question that refers either to Javascript or Typescript.

I have decided to use Typescript as the originating language because it was build with transpiling in mind. Typescript transpiles itself to Javascript. There are strong tools to analyse your source code and to figure out how to transpile the source code.

One example is: Concat a string and incrementing a number. Both tasks can be done by using the + operator. LUA can only increment numbers with the + operator and need the .. operator to concat strings. The transpiler knows when to use wich operator in order to transpile the source code correctly.

The second reason is because i used Typescript and Javascript since many years and my experience is good enough to write such a complex transpiling software that needs to now every niche in both languages.