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Core module

Oliver Leve edited this page Nov 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

The task of this module is to bootstrap your addon and provide system critical dependencies and utilities to shorten boilerplate code.

The core module is the base of this framework. Its entry path is: @wartoshika/wow-qhun-core-ts/src/core.

core module has the following sub modules:

  • async Provide reactive and asynchronous programming classes
  • bootstrap Bootstraps your addon at the declared time
  • data Contains (de)serialized data stream types
  • debug Provides debug tools to seperate debug info from default console
  • declarations framework and transpiler declaration files
  • decorators Provides all kinds of decorators to add meta and non meta content to the given context
  • di Contains the dependency injection classes to resolve declared dependencies automaticly
  • event Provides an event emitter instance to broadcast events with typed payload
  • util Provides usefull utillity classes

If you target the core index file when importing classes, all the above declared sub modules will be appended to your addon.

These are the core topics and wiki pages: