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A World of Warcraft framework written in Typescript. Using together with qhun-transpiler to level up your WoW addon development experiance


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Level up your addon quallity by using a modern language with modern design patterns!

QhunCoreTS is a World of Warcraft framework written in TypeScript that transpiles into pure LUA with full WoW Battle for Azeroth compatiblity!

TL; DR: Example addon

A feature list of the framework:

  • Dependency injection, Singleton and Repository design patterns
  • The complete documented WoW LUA API with autocompletion
  • Event streams with Observables (reactive programming)
  • Promises as a one-time async callback with error support
  • Util classes for arrays, objects and other types
  • Translation service for easy multi locale handling
  • Repository based access for database calls (saved variables)
  • Debug possabilities without flooding your default console
  • Easy to understand classes for ingame objects like: Items, Units, Maps, Inventory ...
  • Predefined and extentable GUI objects with the possabiltiy to add a custom theme on them
  • Frame pooling to reduce memory footprint
  • Enumerations for specific values of the WoW API
  • Services for sending data via the addon channel with unlimited payload size
  • Framework can be embeded within your addon

And the feature list of the TypeScript language:

  • Classes, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Class heritage
  • Generics
  • Decorators on class, property, method and parameter level
  • A full support for autocompletion
  • Type save variables at compiler time
  • Multireturn support (via the included transpiler)

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and it's syntax is (in my opinion) easy to read and write. There is a realy large comunity for JavaScript and TypeScript related problems. I have written a transpiler (wow-QhunCoreTs) that targets LUA 5.1 and World of Warcraft per design.

Example addon

The following example prints a message onto the console when the addon has been loaded.

    addonName: "MyCoolAddon"
class MyCoolAddon {

    private version: string;

        private timer: Timer,
        @TocValue("Author") author: string
    ) {

            `This addon has been written by ${author}`,
            `The version is ${this.version}`


    private printAfterOneSecond(): void {

        this.timer.timeout(() => {
            print("One second passed!");
        }, 1000);


Step by step explanation:

  • @QhunAddon is the entrypoint of your Addon.
  • The class declaration defined the what to do when your addon bootstraps
  • Declaring a private string based variable that should automaticly get the addon version number from the .toc file.
  • The constructor function uses dependency injection and automaticly get a Timer serivce and another .toc file value.
  • Using the builtin print function and the template string literal to print a text onto the console with two variables.
  • Call the other declared private function printAfterOneSecond.
  • The previously injected Timer instance will be used to call the given callback function after 1000ms.
  • After one second the callback function will print another text.
  • Finally the function call to bootstrapAddon outside of your class context will bootstrap your declared addon class by handleing over your class name.


A World of Warcraft framework written in Typescript. Using together with qhun-transpiler to level up your WoW addon development experiance








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