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Running MachLine

Cory edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

Once compiled, MachLine may be run by executing

./machline.exe <input_filename>

from the directory where the MachLine executable is stored. Unless the verbosity has been set to False in the input, MachLine will then output to the terminal something like the following:

         /          ____
        /          /   /
       /     MachLine (c) 2023 USU Aerolab
      /          /   /    v3.1
     / _________/___/_______________
    ( (__________________________
     \          \   \
      \          \   \
       \          \   \
        \          \___\

 Got input file: dev/input_files/half_wing_input.json                                                                

 Reading and analyzing surface mesh
     User has selected linear-doublet-constant-source panels.
     Reading surface mesh in from file dev/meshes/half_wing_right.vtk... Done.
     Surface mesh has     685 vertices and    1336 panels.
     Mesh set to mirror about xz plane.
     Locating adjacent panels...Done. Found    2020 edges.
     Calculating vertex geometric parameters... Done.

 Initializing based on flow properties
     Initializing flow-dependent panel properties... Done. Found       0 superinclined panels.
     Characterizing edges...Done. Found  19 wake-shedding edges.
     Determining where vertex clones are needed... Done.
     Cloning vertices at wake-shedding edges...Done. Cloned   19 vertices. Mesh now has     704 vertices.
     Initializing wake with a Trefftz distance of 7.9603E+01...Done. Created      76 wake vertices and      38 wake panels distributed between      19 strips.
     Setting up panel singularity distributions... Done.
     Placing control points using a direct offset of 1.1000E-05...Done. Placed   704 control points.

 Running solver using the morino boundary-condition formulation
     Calculating source strengths... Done.
     Calculating body influences... Done.
     Calculating wake influences... Done.
     Solving linear system (method: GMRES)... Done.
         Maximum residual:   1.7014167852380524E-013
         Norm of residual:   3.7736241903977742E-013
     Calculating surface velocities... Done.
     Calculating outer surface potentials... Done.
     Calculating surface pressures... Done.
         Maximum incompressible pressure coefficient:  0.81943945251585060     
         Minimum incompressible pressure coefficient:  -1.0967113939236990     
     Calculating forces using the incompressible pressure rule... Done.
         Cx: -0.44207761052721273     
         Cy:   0.0000000000000000     
         Cz:   22.827855086298936     
     Calculating moments... Done.
         CMx:   0.0000000000000000     
         CMy:  -19.463518730921585     
         CMz:   0.0000000000000000     

 Writing results to file
                     Surface: dev/results/half_wing_right.vtk
                        Wake: dev/results/half_wing_wake.vtk
              Control points: dev/results/half_wing_right_control_points.vtk
                      Report: dev/results/report.json

 MachLine exited successfully. Execution time:     1.1400 s

Once MachLine has finished executing, the results can be found at the file locations specified in the input file.

The input files are described in Input File Structure.

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