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Cory edited this page Jul 7, 2023 · 15 revisions


  • A Fortran compiler. We have developed MachLine using gfortran on Linux. No other compilers have been tested.
  • OpenMP (usually comes with gfortran) and make.
  • We recommend ParaView for data visualization. It can be downloaded here.



On Linux systems, open the terminal and navigate to the MachLine directory. Simply execute



On Windows systems, Machline requires the installation of certain compiler suites. Once the compiler suites are installed, open the terminal and navigate to the Machline directory. Simply execute



MachLine has not yet been tested on Mac systems. Please try it out and let us know what (if any) issues you have.

Testing the Installation

For unit tests, we use pytest. Information on installing Python and the pytest module may be found here. Once pytest is installed, unit tests are run from the main MachLine directory simply by executing

py.test test/

on Linux. The command is somewhat different on other operating systems. Please read the pytest documentation for more information.

Make Options

The Makefile has several compilation options:

default Standard parallel compilation.
debug Parallel compilation with some helpful flags added for debugging. Should be used by developers.
wall debug on steroids. Makes the compiler tell you everything you've even thought about doing wrong. Very helpful for cleaning up unused variables. Not recommended for everyday developing.
serial Standard compilation in serial (i.e. doesn't include the OpenMP flag).
debug-serial Same as debug but without the OpenMP flag.
clean Removes all compiled files.
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