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Leo C. Stein edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 5 revisions

scri is a Python/numba code for analyzing and manipulating waveforms (or any other time-dependent functions of spin-weighted spherical harmonics).

The scri code repository is available on github in a public repository maintained by Mike Boyle (github username: moble). This is an intended replacement for the deprecated GWFrames code, and all extrapolation work should now be done with scri instead.

  • The documentation for scri can be found here. To get set up with running scri, follow these instructions.

  • For instructions specifically on producing asymptotic waveforms from finite radius waveforms via extrapolation, please see the documentation here.

  • For a thorough understanding of the code, see the following papers for/by which it was produced:

    • M. Boyle, "Transformations of asymptotic gravitational-wave data", Phys. Rev. D 93, 084031 (2015) [link].
    • M. Boyle, et al., "Gravitational-wave modes from precessing black-hole binaries", arXiv:1409.4431 (2014) [link].
    • M. Boyle, "Angular velocity of gravitational radiation from precessing binaries and the corotating frame", Phys. Rev. D 87, 104006 (2013) [link].
  • Any questions can be directed to Mike Boyle or Dante Iozzo. You can also direct questions to @Dante on the SXS Slack, or discuss in the #asymptotia channel.