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SVG test data

svenhb edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 14 revisions

#Test data for SVG Import Just drag and drop links to GRBL-Plotter GUI to check Import function (doesn't work with IE but with Chrome).

Following SVG elements were implemented after evaluating a lot of different SVG files, e.g. from, and generating SVG code with Inkscape.

###Basic shapes (check W3C SVG shapes description) Test the ‘circle’ element
Test the ‘line’ element

###Path elements (check W3C SVG path description) Test cubic Bézier commands
Test quadratic Bézier curve commands
Test elliptical arc curve commands
Test Transformation

###Difficult data High amount of path data (generates 48500 GCode lines):
Data: Silhouette-Flourish-Design-14.svg
Such kind of files were the reason to switch from string-variable to StringBuilder-object inside the SVGToGCode class, which drops the conversion time from minutes to seconds.