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WebConsult Client (Google Chromium based) | 2015

Yaroslav Sukhodiy edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 1 revision


The application is a desktop wrapper for a web application and interacts with it through JavaScript events and functions. The project was implemented based on the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF). After the first launch, the program loads the authorization form into the main window and adds the project icon to the tray. When you click on the icon, the main menu of the program appears, the content of which depends on whether the user is authorized or not. After authorization, the web application panel with chat opens in the main program window. Also, the program has implemented sound and visual user notifications. Sound notifications are the playback of a certain melody, and visual notifications are popup windows with messages from the tray. Popups have also been implemented using CEF, which allows HTML and graphics to be inserted without problems. When new messages arrive or if the user has unread messages, the tray icon displays their number, similar to Skype and other messengers. If the user is inactive after a certain time (set in the settings), the program sets the user's status "Away" and restores it back when activity appears. Also, the program can run in developer mode, which allows you to load the test panel, use the Chrome debugger window, etc. The project has been localized into several languages ​​and uses the installer for its installation. If a new version is released, the client updates itself by downloading the new version via the Internet. All settings are saved to a file and the next time you start the program, they are automatically restored for ease of use.


C++, CEF, WinAPI, Boost, JS, HTML, NSIS, JSON, GIF, JPEG, PNG, HTTPS, INI, registry.


Main Window

Main Window







Server connection error

Server connection error

Desktop popups

Desktop popups

Tray menu without authorization

Tray menu without authorizatio

Tray menu with authorization

Tray menu with authorization



