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Stefan Schneider edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

This page contains the instructions to use the Portal's SDK, which was conceived for developers providing a seamless, graphical workflow for creating descriptors and projects, packaging them, and uploading them.

Main SDK Workflow

The main workflow starts via the portal's menu: SDK > New Project.

  1. The first step is creating a new project, which contains generated descriptor files for the network service and the VNFs of the service. The first view when clicking "New project" allows to set high-level details of the service such as the service name, author or number of VNFs.
  2. After clicking "Generate" or pressing enter, the information is submitted and the SDK generates a new NFV project with skeleton descriptors for the network service and VNFs according to the previously entered high-level details. The shown "Overview" page provides a summary of the project's name, UUID, files etc.
  3. Clicking "Show and edit" opens up a new tab with an editor that allows to view and edit the just generated descriptors. It also allows removing or adding files to the project.
  4. Once happy with the project and descriptors, clicking "Packaging" starts the packaging process. Unless "Skip Validation" is ticked, the project files are first validated before they are packaged.
  5. If the packaging was successful, the final package can be downloaded or directly on-boarded to the corresponding service platform that the portal is connected to by clicking the respective buttons. The output field provides feedback on packaging status and result.

Other options

In addition to creating a new project, the SDK menu also allows to jump back to the details of the project that was generated last by clicking the "Generated Project" menu button.

Clicking "All Projects" opens the editor in a new tab showing all available project files and descriptors and allows to edit them as desired.

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