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Menu sections configuration

anapolg edited this page Dec 20, 2019 · 5 revisions

This page contains the menu sections configuration used to select which sections of the menu may be displayed to the user.

Menu sections displayed

Depending on the deployed modules in the infrastructure, the menu will display only those available. There is a configuration variable called features_available that defines the sections that will be shown in the deployed app.

These are the sections that can be activated:

  features_available:  [

When deploying locally, the file containing this variable is /src/config.json. Through removing or adding the names of the menu sections, the Portal will include them.

When deploying in production, there are three predefined configuration files: /src/config-sp.json, /src/config-vnv.json and /src/config-sdk.json for each of the existing environments. They automatically configure the Portal to display the sections of interest. The user just needs to declare an environmental variable called $PLATFORM with the value sp, vnv or sdk.

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