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Roland Toth Pal edited this page Oct 28, 2019 · 18 revisions

Miscellaneous tweaks

  • Add data-attributes to field wrappers containing field name, id, type, etc: Adds the following data attributes to the wrapper of each field to make admin customizations more simple:

    • data-field-id: $field->id
    • data-field-name: $field->name
    • data-field-type: $field->type
    • data-field-tags: $field->tags
    • data-field-flags: v$field->flags`
    • data-field-inputfieldclass: $field->inputfieldClass
  • Disable all admin animations: Disable all CSS and JavaScript animations in the admin to make things feel more snappy.

  • Add helper buttons to batch field add/remove confirmation pages: when selecting fields for deletion, the confirmation page will show an extra button "Check All". This can be used to check/uncheck all items for deletion. The same "Check all" button is available for the abandoned translations too. Additionally, when adding a field to multiple templates, this tweak will add a button next to the active "Add field before/after field ..." dropdown to update all dropdowns with the currently selected value (if applicable). Eg. after selecting "After body" in on dropdown you can update all other dropdowns to "After body". Furthermore, if there's only one select box it will be expanded to make it easier to select an item.

  • Center login form: align login page items to center

  • Open Home/View site in new tab (topnav): clicking on the "Home" in the top-right corner will open in a new tab

  • Add filter box to AdminDataTables: adds a search-as-you-type filter box to various tables in the admin, eg. Fields, Templates, Logs, Users, Roles etc (where AdminDataTables are used). Only one filter box is added per page even if there are more tables (eg. when Fields are grouped using tags). You can use the enter key to open the first item (only if it has a link). To clear the filter box use the ESC key or click on the "X" button. Hint: use the exclamation mark ("!") character to invert the results. For example, if you search for "English" in the Users lister and then typing an exclamation mark the lister will show users not having "English". You can add the "!" before or after the keyword: both "!English" and "English!" will work.

  • Add filter box to Language Translator: adds a filter box the Language Translator page.

  • Add "aos_column_break" field to create admin columns: this tweak installs a field named "aos_column_break" that you can add your templates to have a 2-column layout. The field's position in the template field list determines the columns: fields before it will go to the left column, fields after to the right. Just drag the aos_column_break field to a position where you need the break.

  • Show save dropdown on hover instead on click: hovering on the Save button in the page editor shows the dropdown menu instantly instead on click.

  • Switch language tabs on ctrl+arrow keys: nables switching language tabs on multilanguage fields using ctrl+right, ctrl+left hotkeys. Also adds ctrl+up, ctrl+down hotkeys to collapse/expand language fields. The latter doesn't work on CKEditor fields.

  • Autosize textareas according to content: adds auto-grow functionality to fit textarea to its content. The submodule has no settings to configure. Note: CKEditor fields are not supported - use the CKEaddons submodule (v0.6.1+) and enable the Auto Grow plugin to autosize CKEditors.

  • Add sequential tabindex to fields: enables jumping to next input in the admin with TAB key (or backwards with shift+TAB). By default the TAB key jumps to the next input on second or third trigger only (depending on whether there are language tabs or other buttons in the field wrap), this tweak fixes it.

  • Add button to toggle case of Pagetitle and text field contents: adds a button to the right side of the title field, text fields fields and image/file description fields that allows looping through cases of the text (original, sentence case, capitalize, uppercase, lowercase). Changing the default language title will change the main page title too.

  • Add language switcher to the admin: this tweak will add a dropdown to the main navigation that allows changing the admin language. Page names, the admin interface will be loaded in the selected language, and the page edit screen will also load the language in that language. The language switcher uses a cookie so the language will be remembered even though the user's profile is actually not saved. Note that in the Default theme it's added to the end of the top menu items while in Reno it's the first.

  • Move empty trash confirmation checkbox above trash items: moves the confirmation checkbox on the "Empty trash" page to the top, making it easier to check if there are many items in the trash.

  • Force showing system templates: if checked, system template will be shown by default in the templates list, "Templates" dropdown in the admin navigation and the "Edit field" page ("Actions tab"). On the templates list page if you disable "Show system templates" then system templates will not be shown until you navigate off that page (so you can temporarily disable the submodule).

  • Add filter box to template icon picker: adds a search-as-you-type input box to select template icon more easily. On Enter the first matching icon is selected. Tweak is based on Robin S's IconsFilter module (thanks!).

  • Add new page: uncheck Active? for non-default language names: the state of a page on non-default languages can be set to inactive here when adding a new page.

  • Hide the Add new dropdown button from above the main pagelist: check this to disable the "Add new" (bookmarks) dropdown button from above the main pagelist.

  • Sticky CKEditor toolbar: keep the CKEditor toolbar in the viewport on scroll to make it always available. Note that from version 1.5.4 this works only in modern browsers (see compability

  • themeConfigLinks: adds links to set admin theme settings on the Profile page (SuperUser only)

  • Add links to edit previous and next pages: adds "<" and ">" links next to the page title where you can navigate to edit the previous or next page (under the same parent)

  • Expand Helpers field on Logs page and use radio buttons for log actions: if checked, the Helpers will be expanded by default and the action select box will be replaced by radio buttons

  • Place header button next to the main title: moves the top (cloned) main button next to the title to make it easier to reach

  • Add input mask to Input fields (JavaScript only): adds an "Input mask" textarea to each InputfieldText field's "Input" tab where you can enter Cleave.js options to define input mask. Please see the examples below for the required syntax. Works with multilanguage setups too. Note: to use for phone numbers you will need to load the phone library (see below).

    • Load phone country library for input mask: check this if you would like to add phone input masks. Contains all the available countries so load it only when needed (~250 Kb).
  • Add button to check/uncheck all checkboxes (appears on hover): adds a small button above the first checkbox in an InputfieldCheckboxes field. Clicking on it will check or uncheck all checkboxes (if there is at least one unchecked, it will check all, otherwise unchecks all). The button shows a "tick" or an "X" icon depending on the checkboxes' state. If you would like to disable this on your checkboxes (eg. in a module) then add data-no-checkall-checkboxes="1" to the field.

  • Use mini scrollbars (Chrome only): applies CSS styles to all admin scrollbars to make them smaller (main document scrollbar, sidebar, modals, ProcessWire and third party module panels and even CKEditor fields, etc).

  • Show additional field details on Fields setup page: add extra columns on Fields setup page showing description, notes, id and inputfield class.

  • Open Language Translator in a modal window: if enabled, clicking on an "Edit" link on a file to translate (/admin/setup/languages/edit/?id=XXXX) will open the Language Translator in a modal window. The modal has a "Save" and "Save + Close" buttons. Closing the modal will refresh the corresponding section so the new values will show (eg. "10 phrases (3 blank)". The hotkey "ctrl+s" will trigger the Save button (only if saving is enabled in the Hotkeys submodule).

*Example input mask:

"numericOnly": false
"delimiter": "-"
"prefix": "PW"
"blocks": [2, 5, 3, 3]
"uppercase": true
"noImmediatePrefix": false

*Example input mask for phones:

"phone": true
"phoneRegionCode": "US"

Admin language switcher:


Hovering on the Save button when HoverDropdown is enabled:


Admin columns example:


Putting the "aos_column_break" field inside a tab is not allowed. See how to add columns to tabs below.

Column widths

By default the left column is 67% wide and the right is 33%. If you need custom column widths, edit the field's "Column Width" setting under the "Input tab". For example, setting a 55% width will result in a 55/45 left/right percentages. You can override the default width globally or per template as usual. Setting a 100% width (that is, using the default) will result in the module's default 67/33 values.

Note: the "aos_column_break" field will not be removed on module uninstall. However, the field won't show up in the page edit page (only on the template field list). You can of course remove it manually if you wish.

Resizable columns

From v137 columns are resizable by dragging the gutter between the columns. The splitter position is remembered per template and per user. Double-click on the splitter to restore the default position (set at aos_column_break field's "Column Width" setting, or defaults to the module's default value).

This feature is not available inside tabs.

Columns inside tabs

You can't add the "aos_column_break" field inside tabs but there's a workaround if you need this feature. Edit the "FieldSetTabOpen" field in question (this is the starting tab field) and enter this into it's "Notes" field:


This will produce a column break after the field "myfield".

To specify custom width, use this:


You can set the Note's value at editing the field and/or in template context to override the default.

Note: use the default language input for the Notes if you have a multilanguage setup.

Paginated AdminDatatables and filterbox

Filter boxes can't filter items of paginated tables that are not loaded (eg. items on page 2 will not show up on page 1 when filtering).

However, you can navigate paginated tables using ctrl+right and ctrl+left hotkeys. This will load the previous/next set of results with keeping the current filter keyword.

Extra Check All/Remove all button on confirmation page:


Centered login page:


Filter boxes on various places:





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