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Deep edited this page Aug 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

Zethus interface is configurable through a JSON.

Sample configuration

  panels: {
    sidebar: {
      display: true,
    tools: {
      display: false,
    info: {
      display: false,
  ros: {
    endpoint: 'ws://localhost:9090',
  visualizations: [],
  globalOptions: {
    display: true,
    backgroundColor: {
      display: true,
      value: '#000000',
    fixedFrame: {
      display: true,
      value: 'world',



The 3d scene cannot be hidden. Other panels of the interface can be controlled through this configuration.

Path Description
sidebar.display Whether or not the sidebar is displayed
sidebar.position Currently unsupported. The available values are left or right. Decides the positioning of sidebar wrt the viewport
tools.display Currently unsupported. Whether or not the tools panel is displayed
info.display Currently unsupported. Whether or not the info panel is displayed


Path Description
endpoint The websocket endpoint to connect to. Currently a string
reconnect Currently unsupported. Whether to retry connection to websocket on disconnection


Array of configuration for each visualization. The options available for each visualization vary and are available in the respective documentation page.


Options pertaining to the 3d scene. These are shown in the sidebar and are not dependent on the visualizations added to the scene.

Path Description
display Whether or not to display global options in the sidebar
backgroundColor.display Background color of the 3d scene
backgroundColor.value Whether or not to display background color as a selection in the sidebar
fixedFrame.display Whether or not to display fixed frame selection in the sidebar
fixedFrame.value Value of fixed frame for the 3d scene as a string of frame id
grid.display Currently unsupported. Whether or not to display grid options in the sidebar
grid.size Currently unsupported. Size of the grid in both x and y directions
grid.divisions Currently unsupported. Number of divisions the grid size is divided to
grid.color Currently unsupported. Color of grid lines
grid.centerlineColor Currently unsupported. Color of grid lines passing through the origin


Options for the available states a user could interact with the 3d scene. Currently none of the options are supported.

Path Description
mode The current mode of the mouse pointer. This could be controls, measure or custom[index]
controls.display Whether or not to display button for map controls in the toolbar
controls.enabled Whether or not the map controls are enabled. Disabling the controls prevents the user interacting with the 3d scene and fixes the camera
measure.display Whether or not to display measure button in the toolbar
custom Array of custom tools available for the user. These could be used to allow the user to publish on ROS topics. Each item of the array has a name, type and topic.
type of an item should be publishPose or publishPoseWithCovariance. name is the display name visible in the toolbar. topic is the ROS topic to publish on.
Example item: { name: 'Nav goal', type: 'publishPose', topic: '/navgoal', }.
Custom tools cannot be hidden from the toolbar.
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