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Releases: oqtane/oqtane.framework


27 Jun 20:15
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 26 pull requests by 6 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2904 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.1.3

#2255 Add schema support to BaseEntityBuilder @sbwalker
#2254 Fixed issues with site deletion @sbwalker
#2253 Fixed ability to insert images into rich text editor @sbwalker
#2247 Added email notification encoding to support all cultures (credit to @InfDev) @sbwalker
#2246 Set default database type correctly when adding new site @sbwalker
#2246 Added source info to all extension installation scenarios based on the fact that the Registry now supports both Nuget and GitHub locations @sbwalker
#2244 Allow multiple aliases to be defined as default for a site @sbwalker
#2243 Refactored Pager and LocalizableComponent to use new LocalizerFactory @sbwalker
#2243 Added extension method for creating a LocalizerFactory using a type name string @sbwalker
#2242 Fixed Recycle Bin not showing deleted date @leigh-pointer
#2241 Improved log notifications by adding log message to email @sbwalker
#2238 Fixed issued where exception info was not being saved to log for certain sceanrios @chlupac
#2237 Relaxed userrole API restrictions to enable development scenarios @sbwalker
#2235 Added support for an Unauthenticated User global role @sbwalker
#2232 Added missing translation keys for module names @ijaz-saeed
#2231 Validated file extensions client-side before initiating file upload @sbwalker
#2231 Validated file extensions server-side before writing parts to disk @sbwalker
#2231 Optimized part cleanup logic, added error handling to JavaScript XMLHttpRequest logic, ensured FileInput gets initialized after upload @sbwalker
#2228 Log notification improvement to navigate to specific log item @chlupac
#2223 Make toggle button behave independently for password and confirm password on Install Wizard @hishamco
#2222 Modify Pager component to inherit from LocalizableComponent @hishamco
#2219 Add support for disabling the Show On All Pages option in Module Settings @sbwalker
#2217 Added missing RESX entries @leigh-pointer
#2211 Add menu collapse after clicking on a page link (mobile rendering) @elgransan
#2210 Localize Pager component (Page @_page of @_pages) @leigh-pointer
#2207 Add filtering by Category to Module Management @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v3.1.3


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.

This release of Oqtane is running in production at


14 May 13:54
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 18 pull requests by 2 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2847 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.1.2

#2197 Resolved login issue related to undefined 'LoginOptions:TwoFactor' option @sbwalker
#2197 Sorted list of files returned from File API alphabetically @sbwalker
#2195 Fixed issue with adding a new site to a new tenant (reported by @dkoeder with fix) @sbwalker
#2193 Added ability to pass parameters to external login providers @sbwalker
#2193 Improved diagnostic messages related to claims returned from external login @sbwalker
#2191 Fixed alias auto registration to remove trailing slash @sbwalker
#2189 Fixed issue in Module Creator if the template was not specified @sbwalker
#2187 Fixed MySQL compatibility issues @sbwalker
#2179 Updated LastIPAddress during login @sbwalker
#2178 Added Email field to User Management main view @leigh-pointer
#2177 Updated the CreatedOn date display format @leigh-pointer
#2174 Fixed File Upload issue caused by JS Interop not passing AntiForgery token in POST method @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v3.1.2


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


03 May 12:11
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 23 pull requests by 3 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2813 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.1.1

#2164 Enhanced UserRole service with filtering and moved workload to server @sbwalker
#2164 Improved error message details during installation @sbwalker
#2162 Fixed upgrade logic for themes and translations @sbwalker
#2161 Fixed module upgrades @tvatavuk
#2158 Fixed incorrect path on app-stylesheets @sbwalker
#2155 Added improvements to external login @sbwalker
#2152 Improved external login claim mapping, principal construction, and user experience @sbwalker
#2149 Fixed move file issue @sbwalker
#2149 Added verification of external login account linkage via email @sbwalker
#2140 Removed web.release.config as it caused installation issues in pure .net core environments @sbwalker
#2139 Removed method-level [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute as it is now handled by global AutoValidateAntiforgeryTokenFilter @sbwalker
#2139 Adjusted gitignore to exclude unnecessary files @sbwalker
#2138 Created separate API methods for tokens (short-lived) and personal access tokens (long-lived) @sbwalker
#2138 Included global antiforgery filter to mitigate XSRF when using cookie auth @sbwalker
#2136 Added CreatedOn class to RowClass @leigh-pointer
#2135 Fixed site settings validation issue when logged in as Administrator @sbwalker
#2134 Implemented Toggle Password logic in User management @leigh-pointer
#2132 Fixed login for WebAssembly @sbwalker
#2132 Removed granular 404 logging as it is already managed by url mapping @sbwalker
#2132 Made IModule ReleaseVersions optional when using EF Core migrations @sbwalker
#2130 Added additional fields to User Management UI @leigh-pointer
#2129 Added deletion of all notifications in user profile @leigh-pointer
#2124 Added improvements to security features @sbwalker
#2124 Implemented ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance with SiteMigration to enable simpler DI @sbwalker
#2116 Fixed issue where adding user to Host role removes all other users roles @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v3.1.1


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


05 Apr 12:50
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 63 pull requests by 3 contributors were integrated into this release bringing the total to 2766 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.1.0

#2110 Improved 404 page handling @sbwalker
#2110 Added property change component notifications @sbwalker
#2108 Fixed broken link in Readme @alperenbelgic
#2101 Included theme resources on server page load @sbwalker
#2101 Added ISiteMigration interface to provide site-based versioning support @sbwalker
#2099 Updated Package reference to align with 3.1.0 @leigh-pointer
#2098 Filter deleted pages and modules in the router @sbwalker
#2098 Provided support for cascading aspect of style sheets @sbwalker
#2098 Replaced ResourceDeclaration concept with ResourceLevel for stylesheets @sbwalker
#2092 Added remote/downstream API support via Jwt using new RemoteServiceBase @sbwalker
#2087 Added Jwt authorization support for external clients calling the API @sbwalker
#2086 Cleanly separated SiteState service for client and server use cases @sbwalker
#2085 Fix missing SiteId causing password reset notifications to not be created @sbwalker
#2081 Improved principal validation logic @sbwalker
#2077 Improve login component UI @sbwalker
#2075 Add OAuth2 authentication support @sbwalker
#2065 Resolved issue in TenantManager resulting in error being logged during startup @sbwalker
#2065 Added logic to update email address in AspNetUsers when updating a User @sbwalker
#2064 Improve Logout process @sbwalker
#2060 Added support for per site options @sbwalker
#2060 Added OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for authentication @sbwalker
#2053 Fixed File Upload Failed issues for .json file @leigh-pointer
#2050 Fixed issue with Themes Menu Component @leigh-pointer
#2048 Added password policy validation in install wizard @sbwalker
#2045 Fixed issue with IHostResources not being registered properly @sbwalker
#2043 Fixed Postgres failure "42703: column "settingname" does not exist POSITION: 43 @sbwalker
#2040 Added show/hide password toggle on Login form @sbwalker
#2039 Allowed user identity password and lockout configuration to be customized in appsettings @sbwalker
#2039 Included additional environment information in System Info @sbwalker
#2037 Added support for two factor authentication @sbwalker
#2037 Added support for user account lockout @sbwalker
#2028 Enhanced Purge Job to include retention policy for Notifications @sbwalker
#2026 Improved System Upgrade to preserve the processing details in a log file @sbwalker
#2025 Added more constructors for convenience in creating Notification objects @sbwalker
#2025 Fixed localization key issue in Site Settings and added scroll to top when testing SMTP @sbwalker
#2022 Enhanced logging to send log notifications to host users @sbwalker
#2020 Fixed Module Settings Import and Export @leigh-pointer
#2017 Moved AlterStringColumn to IDatabase interface so that it can be overridden in the Sqlite provider @sbwalker
#2015 Expanded Url column in Visitor and UrlMapping to 2048 characters @sbwalker
#2010 Added support for ES6 module JavaScript resources @sbwalker
#2005 Theme Template Updated @leigh-pointer

List of Contributors in v3.1.0


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


15 Feb 19:29
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 20 pull requests by 5 contributors were integrated into this release bringing the total to 2635 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.0.3

#1999 Fixed typo correction for closing tag @artmedia
#1998 Added null operator to Module Management UI @leigh-pointer
#1996 Improved performance by reducing database calls in initial client request scenarios @sbwalker
#1994 Fixed SQLite provider failing due to DropColumn @sbwalker
#1994 Fixed IClientStartup not getting called for External Modules @sbwalker
#1994 Added ability to correlate new visitors by IP address @sbwalker
#1988 Enhanced installer to support 'content' target in nuspec @tvatavuk
#1984 Resolved UI error when closing Event Log and Visitor Management @sbwalker
#1984 Made button class consistent in Recycle Bin @sbwalker
#1984 Refactored RichTextEditor to prioritize raw html @sbwalker
#1984 Made use of ConfigManager consistently throughout framework @sbwalker
#1984 Added support for deleted Sites @sbwalker
#1984 Removed Runtime conditional logic for IClientStartup during Server startup as it is now set per Site @sbwalker
#1984 Added versioning support to Html/Text module @sbwalker
#1984 Added Meta tag support to Page Management @sbwalker
#1973 Added Preprocessor Directives during Runtime Compile @tvatavuk
#1969 Enhanced installer to support 'refs' target in nuspec @tvatavuk
#1968 Improved UX in Event Log by preserving criteria when viewing Details @sbwalker
#1968 Added RowClass and ColumnClass parameters to Pager component @sbwalker
#1968 Added initial-scale=1.0 to viewport specification in _host @sbwalker
#1968 Added default visitor tracking filter @sbwalker
#1965 Fixed Module Management UI error caused by orphaned modules @leigh-pointer
#1960 Enhanced Pager to support pure responsive Grid format (Columns = 0) @sbwalker
#1959 Added router support for url fragments @sbwalker
#1959 Added language attribute to HTML document tag to improve HTML5 validation @sbwalker
#1959 Fixed Theme Settings so they can only be invoked via the Control Panel @sbwalker
#1959 Added support for webp image files @sbwalker
#1959 Fixed duplicate container type issue during startup @sbwalker
#1958 Added the Username to the User Management and Role Management UI @leigh-pointer
#1957 Added web.release.config to include removal of WebDAV during the publish stage of a release @Rodien
#1954 Enhanced Pager component with OnPageChanged event and implemented in Visitor Management @sbwalker
#1954 Enhanced PermissionGrid component to support Host role @sbwalker
#1954 Fixed unhandled exception in RichTextEditor component related to re-rendering @sbwalker
#1954 Made Quill resource declarations forward compatible (version-less) @sbwalker
#1954 Updated Blazor theme to Boostrap 5.1.3 @sbwalker
#1954 Added missing RemoteIPAddress parameter in _Host app component @sbwalker
#1954 Included logic to enable bypass of non-default alias redirection logic (/admin/site) @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v3.0.3


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


16 Jan 16:03
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 35 pull requests by 4 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2593 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.0.2

#1938 Hide deleted pages in Admin Dashboard @sbwalker
#1938 Improved Settings API by replacing IsPublic with IsPrivate @sbwalker
#1938 Isolated Setting updates to not affect PageState @sbwalker
#1938 Made Pager horizontally scrollable on narrow viewports @sbwalker
#1938 Improve LocalizableComponent to support embedded controls @sbwalker
#1936 Added interop method for setting scroll position @sbwalker
#1936 Persisted RemoteIPAddress in PageState so it is available on Blazor Server @sbwalker
#1936 Added support for forwarded headers from load balancers and proxy servers @sbwalker
#1936 Replaced DateTime.Now references with DateTimeUtcNow for consistency @sbwalker
#1936 Fixed issue where upgrade logic was being executed for prior version @sbwalker
#1927 Removed invalid app tag from _host @sbwalker
#1927 Fixed page title not being set on first render client-side @sbwalker
#1926 Improved UX of password reset @sbwalker
#1925 Enhanced scheduler to support one-time jobs @sbwalker
#1925 Fixed pager component so that top/bottom have consistent UX @sbwalker
#1925 Fixed Blazor theme z-index issues caused by input-group in Bootstrap 5 @sbwalker
#1925 Improved password reset instructions in email notification @sbwalker
#1921 Fixed first render CSS issue @zzmzaizai
#1917 Fixed Label control CSS class append issue @leigh-pointer
#1913 Added option to Control Panel to specify module visibility @sbwalker
#1912 Included purge job for maintaining event logs and visitor logs @sbwalker
#1912 Added filter capability for visitor tracking @sbwalker
#1911 Added convention shortcut to suppress title in container @sbwalker
#1909 Allowed scheduled jobs to support weekly interval @sbwalker
#1909 Improved dynamic image generation with rotation, position, and background parameters @sbwalker
#1909 Added defensive logic to router @sbwalker
#1903 Made Url Mappings relative rather than absolute @sbwalker
#1902 Improved Scheduled Job start/stop user experience @sbwalker
#1902 Utilized start time when setting next job execution @sbwalker
#1901 Improved capture of request attributes for visitor tracking @sbwalker
#1898 Separated PWA service worker script from manifest script @sbwalker
#1897 Added missing Resx Keys @leigh-pointer
#1896 Encoded PWA Script in page output @sbwalker
#1895 Added support for default alias specification @sbwalker
#1895 Added alias auto registration @sbwalker
#1895 Added non-default alias redirection @sbwalker
#1895 Improved alias management in Site Settings @sbwalker
#1886 Improved custom entity support in settings @sbwalker
#1885 Fixed search in User Management @chlupac
#1884 Added support for IsPublic to all Setting types @sbwalker
#1883 Fixed issue where RawHTML was not being saved @leigh-pointer
#1882 Fixed issue with new SettingService @leigh-pointer
#1881 Added logging for the logout event to the UI component @sbwalker
#1879 Fixed module settings not being deleted when recycle bin is purged @leigh-pointer

List of Contributors in v3.0.2


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


13 Dec 01:48
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 30 pull requests by 6 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2503 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.0.1

#1863 Package uninstaller directory deletion fix @leigh-pointer
#1862 Add support for ModuleDefinition settings and Host settings in MasterDB @sbwalker
#1861 Added support for Url Mapping and Visitor Tracking @sbwalker
#1855 Make IsPublic of type bool to make PostgreSQL happy @svendu
#1853 Add a new ToolBar position of Both for the Pager component @leigh-pointer
#1848 RichTextEditor Content not re-rendering when Content parameter changed @leigh-pointer
#1846 Additional properties added to Route model to improve abstraction @sbwalker
#1846 Modified Site Settings user experience to support settings moved to the server @sbwalker
#1842 Update Quill component to latest version @leigh-pointer
#1840 Route parsing abstraction and optimization @sbwalker
#1840 Site router performance improvements @sbwalker
#1840 Migrate site-based concepts (favicon, PWA support) to server for performance and prerendering benefits @sbwalker
#1840 Move ThemeBuilder interop logic to OnAfterRenderAsync event @sbwalker
#1840 Upgrade SqlClient to release version @sbwalker
#1840 Update Installer to Bootstrap 5.1.3 @sbwalker
#1832 Add support for ModuleDefinition settings @leigh-pointer
#1831 Enhanced the default site template with a Develop page that makes the Module Creator more discoverable for new users @sbwalker
#1830 Enhanced ActionLink with optional parameters for ModuleId, Permissions, and OnClick @sbwalker
#1830 Enhanced ActionDialog with optional parameter for Permissions @sbwalker
#1830 Refactored new Modules tab in Edit Page to use ActionLink and ActionDialog and modified UI labels @sbwalker
#1830 Fixed server-side page title rendering @sbwalker
#1830 Replaced favicon with blank version @sbwalker
#1830 Expanded File Name to 256 characters @sbwalker
#1830 Include new rotate parameter in image resizing service @sbwalker
#1827 Refactored ErrorBoundary implementation to support logging @sbwalker
#1823 Fix heading localization in TabPanel component @hishamco
#1820 Modify Swagger configuration to use full types to avoid naming conflicts @hishamco
#1815 Implement ErrorBoundary and DynamicComponent in ModuleInstance component @chlupac
#1813 Modify Module Management to include In Use column @leigh-pointer
#1812 Modify Page Management to include a tab for Page Modules @leigh-pointer
#1810 Modify page management button sizing in Control Panel @leigh-pointer
#1805 Fix default site alias (*) @chlupac
#1798 Fix Breadcrumb component so that links are not clickable if IsClickable is set to false @leigh-pointer
#1793 Add many PrivateApi attributes to hide unimportant stuff in docs @iJungleboy

List of Contributors in v3.0.1


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


11 Nov 15:10
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 71 pull requests by 2 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2449 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.0.0

#1782 Upgrade to 5.1.3 Bootstrap and Bootswatch Cyborg @leigh-pointer
#1781 fix UX in module/theme creators @sbwalker
#1776 [RootFolder] was missing from Release.cmd @leigh-pointer
#1772 Updated module and theme templates to .NET 6 @sbwalker
#1764 Add support for TrustServerCertificate connection string option for SQL Server @sbwalker
#1762 Remove unnecessary cascading parameter to improve efficiency @sbwalker
#1761 Fix error on WebAssembly when logging out @sbwalker
#1760 Allow for direct navigation to pages in Page Management @leigh-pointer
#1759 SQL Server installation needs to allow configuration of encryption setting on .NET 6 @sbwalker
#1757 Fix issue when creating site with new tenant @sbwalker
#1754 Make date format configurable for the Audit component @leigh-pointer
#1750 Fix Blazor theme not rendering correctly on Bootstrap 5 @leigh-pointer
#1735 Fix link to home path displays login page @sbwalker
#1725 Upgrade to .NET 6 and increment version to 3.0.0 @sbwalker
#1720 Add proper help text to aliases field in default resource file for Site Settings @sbwalker
#1720 Set default value for new ShowLogin parameter in Login theme component @sbwalker
#1709 Fixed validation issue in Role Managment - Users @sbwalker
#1709 Modified FileManager component to allow Folder parameter to contain a folder path which is translated to a FolderId internally and refactored Packages folder logic @sbwalker
#1708 Added ability for Runtime and RenderMode to be set per Site - enabling the framework to support multiple hosting models concurrently in the same installation @sbwalker
#1708 Fixed WebAssembly Prerendering issue (this also resolved the issue where the component taghelper was not passing parameters correctly to the app when running on WebAssembly) @sbwalker
#1708 Remove web.config from upgrade package @sbwalker
#1704 Fix logic which sometimes results in System.InvalidOperationException: The value of IsFixed cannot be changed dynamically @sbwalker
#1703 Allow site root page paths (rather than specifying a magic "home" string) @sbwalker
#1701 Fix User Management Tab needs clicking to render UI when language is not default @leigh-pointer
#1699 UX improvements to FileManager and Pager components @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v3.0.0


Upgrade Instructions

In .NET 6 Microsoft introduced a breaking change in regards to SQL Server connection strings. Previously, database connections were not expected to be encrypted; however, in .NET 6 they are now expected to be encrypted by default. You can override this behavior by appending an Encrypt=False attribute to your connection string. In Oqtane, this needs to be done in both the appsettings.json file as well as the DBConnectionString column in the Tenants table in the master database. New installations of Oqtane from 3.0+ include this attribute by default. Please note that not all installations will experience this upgrade issue. It typically occurs in local development environments where you are using LocalDB or have installed SQL Server locally without using a trusted certificate.

Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


27 Sep 18:12
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 1 pull request by 1 contributor was integrated into this release bring the total to 2372 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v2.3.1

#1693 AntiForgeryToken header was not being set during startup @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v2.3.1


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 5.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.


24 Sep 21:20
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Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 66 pull requests by 8 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2359 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v2.3.0

#1685 Add paging to SQL Manager results @sbwalker
#1683 Format profile properties with options as dropdown in User Management @nicpitsch
#1679 Releases need to be published with IL trimming disabled or else dynamic methods will be stripped @sbwalker
#1676 Modify method for determining Runtime in SiteRouter as ComponentTagHelper "param-" appears to only work on Blazor Server - not on WebAssembly @sbwalker
#1673 Enhance Settings API for public Site Settings @sbwalker
#1673 Added Settings to Site model by default @sbwalker
#1673 Added new parameters to Login and UserProfile components. Enhanced Oqtane Theme settings to use new component parameters @sbwalker
#1671 Fix installation issue on PostgreSQL by introducing a new RewriteValue method which can be overridden in a database provider to provide custom behavior. Updated PostgreSQL provide to utilize new method @sbwalker
#1671 Also added an Oqtane.Server project reference to the module and theme external templates to streamline the development experience @leigh-pointer
#1670 Add more code documentation @iJungleboy
#1668 Constrain file logger size @sbwalker
#1666 Prevent UX "flicker" when running on Blazor Server caused by pre-rendering changes @sbwalker
#1663 File manager component improvements @sbwalker
#1662 Added optional event callback delegates to FileManager component to allow calling components to be notified on upload, change, or delete @sbwalker
#1660 Added HTML5 field validation logic to entire admin UI @gjwalk
#1658 Added support for File descriptions @sbwalker
#1658 Added support for Folder capacity and image sizes @sbwalker
#1658 Added image resizing capability using ImageSharp - implemented in user profile @sbwalker
#1658 Added parameter to disable image preview in FileManager component @sbwalker
#1658 Overhauled Pager component to use Bootstrap5 pagination and added Columns parameter for Grid mode @sbwalker
#1658 Populated PageState.User.IsAuthenticated in SiteRouter @sbwalker
#1652 Fix module reordering on page issue @sbwalker
#1651 Validate if Page in Recycle Bin During Creation @leigh-pointer
#1650 Resolve issue with server prerendering @sbwalker
#1650 Upgrade Install Wizard to Bootstrap5 @sbwalker
#1650 Add more defensive logic and logging to DatabaseManager @sbwalker
#1650 Add trial period, expiry date, and zero price support for commercial extensions @sbwalker
#1638 Replacing dependency on System.Drawing with SixLabors.ImageSharp based on cross platform guidance from Microsoft @sbwalker
#1638 Make containing class overridable in Control Panel (header and body are already overridable) @sbwalker
#1637 Make DBContext Transient scope so that ihostedservice works properly @sbwalker
#1637 Modify Control Panel to use standard Bootstrap 5 offcanvas classes @sbwalker
#1637 add auto trimming to file logger @sbwalker
#1637 fix issue in File Repository related to populating Url on Add/Update @sbwalker
#1635 Add new overloads to client-side logging methods to include LogFunction enum parameter so that it can be specified explicitly rather than only being inferred from the page action @sbwalker
#1630 Convert line break to comma when saving aliases @sbwalker
#1630 Improve license acceptance user experience @sbwalker
#1629 Fix Type label in Add Folder UI @sbwalker
#1629 Fix Alias case sensitivity issue in router @sbwalker
#1629 Fix UrlCombine helper method to use proper slash @sbwalker
#1629 Enhance package installation to support commercial options @sbwalker
#1627 Fix typo for RESX message Message.Required.Smtp @horacioj
#1610 Fix issue with setting Site Root when adding/editing a page @sbwalker
#1609 Add support for commercial modules, themes, translations @sbwalker
#1604 Add error handling to module export @sbwalker
#1592 Allow host username to be specified during installation @sbwalker
#1592 Allow user to be added to host role @sbwalker
#1592 Refresh user list after delete @sbwalker
#1592 Improve date/time entry in scheduled jobs @sbwalker
#1592 Require license acceptance during module and theme install @sbwalker
#1582 Fix exception when browsing to /login when you are already logged in @leigh-pointer
#1567 Remove writing database connection string to appsettings.json in AzureDeploy.json @ADefWebserver
#1564 Copy external Theme to Oqtane.Server @nicpitsch
#1556 Remove readonly attribute on Username field on Register form @leigh-pointer
#1554 Convert ControlPanel to use Bootstrap Offcanvas component @leigh-pointer
#1551 Modified External Module Template to use Bootstrap5 @leigh-pointer
#1550 Upgrade entire admin UI to use divs rather than tables @leigh-pointer
#1545 Fix loading satellite assemblies @hishamco
#1535 Fix horizontal menu highlighting issue @sbwalker
#1534 update theme creator template to Bootstrap5 @sbwalker

List of Contributors in v2.3.0


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 5.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.