Release Notes
We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 66 pull requests by 8 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2359 commits all time.
Noteworthy Changes in v2.3.0
#1685 Add paging to SQL Manager results @sbwalker
#1683 Format profile properties with options as dropdown in User Management @nicpitsch
#1679 Releases need to be published with IL trimming disabled or else dynamic methods will be stripped @sbwalker
#1676 Modify method for determining Runtime in SiteRouter as ComponentTagHelper "param-" appears to only work on Blazor Server - not on WebAssembly @sbwalker
#1673 Enhance Settings API for public Site Settings @sbwalker
#1673 Added Settings to Site model by default @sbwalker
#1673 Added new parameters to Login and UserProfile components. Enhanced Oqtane Theme settings to use new component parameters @sbwalker
#1671 Fix installation issue on PostgreSQL by introducing a new RewriteValue method which can be overridden in a database provider to provide custom behavior. Updated PostgreSQL provide to utilize new method @sbwalker
#1671 Also added an Oqtane.Server project reference to the module and theme external templates to streamline the development experience @leigh-pointer
#1670 Add more code documentation @iJungleboy
#1668 Constrain file logger size @sbwalker
#1666 Prevent UX "flicker" when running on Blazor Server caused by pre-rendering changes @sbwalker
#1663 File manager component improvements @sbwalker
#1662 Added optional event callback delegates to FileManager component to allow calling components to be notified on upload, change, or delete @sbwalker
#1660 Added HTML5 field validation logic to entire admin UI @gjwalk
#1658 Added support for File descriptions @sbwalker
#1658 Added support for Folder capacity and image sizes @sbwalker
#1658 Added image resizing capability using ImageSharp - implemented in user profile @sbwalker
#1658 Added parameter to disable image preview in FileManager component @sbwalker
#1658 Overhauled Pager component to use Bootstrap5 pagination and added Columns parameter for Grid mode @sbwalker
#1658 Populated PageState.User.IsAuthenticated in SiteRouter @sbwalker
#1652 Fix module reordering on page issue @sbwalker
#1651 Validate if Page in Recycle Bin During Creation @leigh-pointer
#1650 Resolve issue with server prerendering @sbwalker
#1650 Upgrade Install Wizard to Bootstrap5 @sbwalker
#1650 Add more defensive logic and logging to DatabaseManager @sbwalker
#1650 Add trial period, expiry date, and zero price support for commercial extensions @sbwalker
#1638 Replacing dependency on System.Drawing with SixLabors.ImageSharp based on cross platform guidance from Microsoft @sbwalker
#1638 Make containing class overridable in Control Panel (header and body are already overridable) @sbwalker
#1637 Make DBContext Transient scope so that ihostedservice works properly @sbwalker
#1637 Modify Control Panel to use standard Bootstrap 5 offcanvas classes @sbwalker
#1637 add auto trimming to file logger @sbwalker
#1637 fix issue in File Repository related to populating Url on Add/Update @sbwalker
#1635 Add new overloads to client-side logging methods to include LogFunction enum parameter so that it can be specified explicitly rather than only being inferred from the page action @sbwalker
#1630 Convert line break to comma when saving aliases @sbwalker
#1630 Improve license acceptance user experience @sbwalker
#1629 Fix Type label in Add Folder UI @sbwalker
#1629 Fix Alias case sensitivity issue in router @sbwalker
#1629 Fix UrlCombine helper method to use proper slash @sbwalker
#1629 Enhance package installation to support commercial options @sbwalker
#1627 Fix typo for RESX message Message.Required.Smtp @horacioj
#1610 Fix issue with setting Site Root when adding/editing a page @sbwalker
#1609 Add support for commercial modules, themes, translations @sbwalker
#1604 Add error handling to module export @sbwalker
#1592 Allow host username to be specified during installation @sbwalker
#1592 Allow user to be added to host role @sbwalker
#1592 Refresh user list after delete @sbwalker
#1592 Improve date/time entry in scheduled jobs @sbwalker
#1592 Require license acceptance during module and theme install @sbwalker
#1582 Fix exception when browsing to /login when you are already logged in @leigh-pointer
#1567 Remove writing database connection string to appsettings.json in AzureDeploy.json @ADefWebserver
#1564 Copy external Theme to Oqtane.Server @nicpitsch
#1556 Remove readonly attribute on Username field on Register form @leigh-pointer
#1554 Convert ControlPanel to use Bootstrap Offcanvas component @leigh-pointer
#1551 Modified External Module Template to use Bootstrap5 @leigh-pointer
#1550 Upgrade entire admin UI to use divs rather than tables @leigh-pointer
#1545 Fix loading satellite assemblies @hishamco
#1535 Fix horizontal menu highlighting issue @sbwalker
#1534 update theme creator template to Bootstrap5 @sbwalker
List of Contributors in v2.3.0
Additional Resources
The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.
This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 5.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.