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@sbwalker sbwalker released this 05 Apr 12:50
· 3643 commits to dev since this release

Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 63 pull requests by 3 contributors were integrated into this release bringing the total to 2766 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.1.0

#2110 Improved 404 page handling @sbwalker
#2110 Added property change component notifications @sbwalker
#2108 Fixed broken link in Readme @alperenbelgic
#2101 Included theme resources on server page load @sbwalker
#2101 Added ISiteMigration interface to provide site-based versioning support @sbwalker
#2099 Updated Package reference to align with 3.1.0 @leigh-pointer
#2098 Filter deleted pages and modules in the router @sbwalker
#2098 Provided support for cascading aspect of style sheets @sbwalker
#2098 Replaced ResourceDeclaration concept with ResourceLevel for stylesheets @sbwalker
#2092 Added remote/downstream API support via Jwt using new RemoteServiceBase @sbwalker
#2087 Added Jwt authorization support for external clients calling the API @sbwalker
#2086 Cleanly separated SiteState service for client and server use cases @sbwalker
#2085 Fix missing SiteId causing password reset notifications to not be created @sbwalker
#2081 Improved principal validation logic @sbwalker
#2077 Improve login component UI @sbwalker
#2075 Add OAuth2 authentication support @sbwalker
#2065 Resolved issue in TenantManager resulting in error being logged during startup @sbwalker
#2065 Added logic to update email address in AspNetUsers when updating a User @sbwalker
#2064 Improve Logout process @sbwalker
#2060 Added support for per site options @sbwalker
#2060 Added OpenID Connect (OIDC) support for authentication @sbwalker
#2053 Fixed File Upload Failed issues for .json file @leigh-pointer
#2050 Fixed issue with Themes Menu Component @leigh-pointer
#2048 Added password policy validation in install wizard @sbwalker
#2045 Fixed issue with IHostResources not being registered properly @sbwalker
#2043 Fixed Postgres failure "42703: column "settingname" does not exist POSITION: 43 @sbwalker
#2040 Added show/hide password toggle on Login form @sbwalker
#2039 Allowed user identity password and lockout configuration to be customized in appsettings @sbwalker
#2039 Included additional environment information in System Info @sbwalker
#2037 Added support for two factor authentication @sbwalker
#2037 Added support for user account lockout @sbwalker
#2028 Enhanced Purge Job to include retention policy for Notifications @sbwalker
#2026 Improved System Upgrade to preserve the processing details in a log file @sbwalker
#2025 Added more constructors for convenience in creating Notification objects @sbwalker
#2025 Fixed localization key issue in Site Settings and added scroll to top when testing SMTP @sbwalker
#2022 Enhanced logging to send log notifications to host users @sbwalker
#2020 Fixed Module Settings Import and Export @leigh-pointer
#2017 Moved AlterStringColumn to IDatabase interface so that it can be overridden in the Sqlite provider @sbwalker
#2015 Expanded Url column in Visitor and UrlMapping to 2048 characters @sbwalker
#2010 Added support for ES6 module JavaScript resources @sbwalker
#2005 Theme Template Updated @leigh-pointer

List of Contributors in v3.1.0


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.