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@sbwalker sbwalker released this 13 Dec 01:48
· 3894 commits to dev since this release

Release Notes

We deeply appreciate the contributions from our community. A grand total of 30 pull requests by 6 contributors were integrated into this release bring the total to 2503 commits all time.

Noteworthy Changes in v3.0.1

#1863 Package uninstaller directory deletion fix @leigh-pointer
#1862 Add support for ModuleDefinition settings and Host settings in MasterDB @sbwalker
#1861 Added support for Url Mapping and Visitor Tracking @sbwalker
#1855 Make IsPublic of type bool to make PostgreSQL happy @svendu
#1853 Add a new ToolBar position of Both for the Pager component @leigh-pointer
#1848 RichTextEditor Content not re-rendering when Content parameter changed @leigh-pointer
#1846 Additional properties added to Route model to improve abstraction @sbwalker
#1846 Modified Site Settings user experience to support settings moved to the server @sbwalker
#1842 Update Quill component to latest version @leigh-pointer
#1840 Route parsing abstraction and optimization @sbwalker
#1840 Site router performance improvements @sbwalker
#1840 Migrate site-based concepts (favicon, PWA support) to server for performance and prerendering benefits @sbwalker
#1840 Move ThemeBuilder interop logic to OnAfterRenderAsync event @sbwalker
#1840 Upgrade SqlClient to release version @sbwalker
#1840 Update Installer to Bootstrap 5.1.3 @sbwalker
#1832 Add support for ModuleDefinition settings @leigh-pointer
#1831 Enhanced the default site template with a Develop page that makes the Module Creator more discoverable for new users @sbwalker
#1830 Enhanced ActionLink with optional parameters for ModuleId, Permissions, and OnClick @sbwalker
#1830 Enhanced ActionDialog with optional parameter for Permissions @sbwalker
#1830 Refactored new Modules tab in Edit Page to use ActionLink and ActionDialog and modified UI labels @sbwalker
#1830 Fixed server-side page title rendering @sbwalker
#1830 Replaced favicon with blank version @sbwalker
#1830 Expanded File Name to 256 characters @sbwalker
#1830 Include new rotate parameter in image resizing service @sbwalker
#1827 Refactored ErrorBoundary implementation to support logging @sbwalker
#1823 Fix heading localization in TabPanel component @hishamco
#1820 Modify Swagger configuration to use full types to avoid naming conflicts @hishamco
#1815 Implement ErrorBoundary and DynamicComponent in ModuleInstance component @chlupac
#1813 Modify Module Management to include In Use column @leigh-pointer
#1812 Modify Page Management to include a tab for Page Modules @leigh-pointer
#1810 Modify page management button sizing in Control Panel @leigh-pointer
#1805 Fix default site alias (*) @chlupac
#1798 Fix Breadcrumb component so that links are not clickable if IsClickable is set to false @leigh-pointer
#1793 Add many PrivateApi attributes to hide unimportant stuff in docs @iJungleboy

List of Contributors in v3.0.1


Additional Resources

The Oqtane Framework is built on Blazor, an open source and cross-platform web UI framework for building single-page apps using .NET and C# instead of JavaScript.

This release of Oqtane is targeted at .NET 6.0. This release is upgradeable from previous Oqtane releases. Simply install the Upgrade package and your database will be upgraded automatically.