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#5.1 Using Minicom

Croke edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

Minicom allows us to interact with the serial. Using it we can sen AT commands to the GSM module and check how it is working. In order to develop this project we are using a python library but Minicom is great for trying new commands and checking how it works.



First, install Minicom.

$ sudo apt-get install minicom


Launch Minicom executing the minicom command:

sudo minicom -o -D /dev/ttyS0

Once we are inside it, we have an interface from it is possible to send AT commands to the module.

The next command will answer with an OK if the connection with the module is working properly:


If the SIM card of the module comes with a PIN number, use the next command to introduce it:


XXXX is the PIN number of the SIM card. Once it is sended, the GSM will connect with the cellular network and the GSM will be ready to call, send SMS or connect to the internet.

Next: Using Python