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SYCL compiler development BKMs

Alexey Bader edited this page Jul 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Useful CMake options

  • LLVM_APPEND_VC_REV:BOOL. Embed version control revision info (Git revision id). The version info is provided by the LLVM_REVISION macro in llvm/include/llvm/Support/VCSRevision.h. Developers using git who don’t need revision info can disable this option to avoid re-linking most binaries after a branch switch. Defaults to ON.
  • LLVM_USE_LINKER:STRING. Add -fuse-ld={name} to the link invocation. The possible value depend on your compiler, for clang the value can be an absolute path to your custom linker, otherwise clang will prefix the name with ld. and apply its usual search. For example to link LLVM with the Gold linker, cmake can be invoked with -DLLVM_USE_LINKER=gold.
  • LLVM_PARALLEL_LINK_JOBS:STRING. Define the maximum number of concurrent link jobs. Might be useful on machines with the RAM size insufficient to link LLVM project tools and libraries in parallel using native # of threads.
  • LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN:BOOL. If enabled and building a debug or asserts build the CMake build system will generate a Release build tree to build a fully optimized tablegen for use during the build. Enabling this option can significantly speed up build times especially when building LLVM in Debug configurations.
  • BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL. Flag indicating if each LLVM component (e.g. Support) is built as a shared library (ON) or as a static library (OFF). Its default value is OFF. On Windows, shared libraries may be used when building with MinGW, including mingw-w64, but not when building with the Microsoft toolchain. Note: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is only recommended for use by LLVM developers. If you want to build LLVM as a shared library, you should use the LLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB option. It can be enabled through --shared-libs option to script.
  • LLVM_CCACHE_BUILD:BOOL. If enabled and the ccache program is available, then LLVM will be built using ccache to speed up rebuilds of LLVM and its components. Defaults to OFF. The size and location of the cache maintained by ccache can be adjusted via the LLVM_CCACHE_MAXSIZE and LLVM_CCACHE_DIR options, which are passed to the CCACHE_MAXSIZE and CCACHE_DIR environment variables, respectively.

These and any other CMake options can set using --cmake-opt option of configure script.

Refer to for more CMake options.

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