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Using the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility

gforney edited this page Sep 13, 2016 · 2 revisions

These notes provide some basic information about using the computer called titan at Oak Ridge National Labs. It is assumed you have an account and have logged in for the first time. Here are the basics for compiling and running an FDS job:

  1. Clone the firemodels/fds-smv repo as you would on any linux cluster. Use these notes. Follow GitHub's instructions for generating ssh keys.

  2. Add the line

    module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-intel

    to the .bashrc file. This will change the compiling environment from the default (PGI) to Intel. Source your .bashrc.

    $ source .bashrc
  3. Modify the FDS makefile entry as follows:

    mpi_intel_linux_64 : FFLAGS = -m64 -O2 -ipo -traceback $(GITINFO)
    mpi_intel_linux_64 : LFLAGS =
    mpi_intel_linux_64 : FCOMPL = ftn
    mpi_intel_linux_64 : FOPENMPFLAGS =
    mpi_intel_linux_64 : obj = fds_mpi_intel_linux_64
    mpi_intel_linux_64 : setup $(obj_mpi)
            $(FCOMPL) $(FFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(obj) $(obj_mpi)

    Note that mpifort is replaced by ftn and the OpenMP flags are gone (just to avoid bothering with it). No need to worry about Infiniband.

  4. In the directory mpi_intel_linux_64, modify the file as follows:

    echo Building $target
    make -j4 VPATH="../../FDS_Source" -f ../makefile $target

    There is no need for any path or environment variables pointing to the compiler or MPI app.

  5. To run jobs, prepare a PBS script like this one (in this example, the name of the script is job_name_script):

    #PBS -A CMB115
    #PBS -N job_name
    #PBS -e /ccs/home/mcgratta/FDS-SMV/.../job_name.err
    #PBS -o /ccs/home/mcgratta/FDS-SMV/.../job_name.log
    #PBS -l nodes=2
    #PBS -l walltime=2:0:0
    cd $MEMBERWORK/cmb115
    aprun -n 32 /ccs/home/mcgratta/FDS-SMV/FDS_Compilation/mpi_intel_linux_64/fds_mpi_intel_linux_64 job_name.fds

    The -A option is your project code, used (I assume) for accounting purposes. The walltime is required, and you will be told immediately upon submitting the script if a time is not allowed. All jobs must be run from $MEMBERWORK/cmb115, which is your assigned work space. Each node on Titan has 16 cores, hence to run a job with 32 MPI processes, you need to request 2 nodes.

  6. Run the job by submitting the script:

    $ qsub job_name_script
  7. Fetch results using sftp to the same address that you logged into using ssh. Use mget to grab multiple files and bring them back to your computer.

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