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Settings Page

Boaz Feldboim edited this page Sep 22, 2021 · 12 revisions

The web application implement a settings page. Using this page the user can control the various parameters of the application. When clicking the Settings option in the web application's menu you are switched to the following web page:

Basic Setting

Using this page the user can disable auto-recovery. This is useful when you intentionally disconnect internet, like when you make changes to your internet infrastructure and you don't want that the device will start recovery cycles while you are making the changes. While auto-recovery is disabled, the user will see a note in the control page that auto-recovery is disabled. The user can still initiate router or modem recoveries by pressing the corresponding switch, or check connectivity and start recovery cycles if there is no connectivity.

The second configurable parameter is the LAN address to which the application sends ping messages to verify connectivity. This parameter can be left blank and so the application will not test LAN connectivity.

The third parameter is some internet address that the application sends ping messages to verify internet connectivity. The fourth parameter is a secondary internet address to test connectivity. The application is using this address when the first address failed to respond to ping message. Only if both addresses fails to respond to ping messages, recovery cycles begin. It is possible to leave either one of the internet addresses blank. Then connectivity will be checked only against one address. However one address at least should be non-blank.

Next is controlling periodic restart. It is possible to set time for when once in 24 hours the router and/or the modem will be restarted regardless of whether there is internet connectivity. It is useful to set the time to when usually there is no planned Internet activity. This in most cases will prevent restarting Internet during the day. It is possible to separately select whether the router will be restarted and/or the modem will be restarted. If both devices are set to restart, they will restart together at the same time. If both devices are selected to not restart, the time control is disabled and its value is ignored.

Any change in the parameters should be followed by clicking on the save button, else non of the changes will take in effect.

When clicking on the Advanced tab, the following screen appears:

Advanced Settings

This screen is used for more advanced application settings. The first two parameters sets the router and modem disconnect time. This is the time period that the modem or router is disconnected from power. The third and fourth parameters sets the maximum time to wait for internet connectivity to resume after the power was turned off and on to the corresponding device (router or modem). Connection test period sets the time between connectivity checks. This is the time period between sending ping messages for validating connectivity. When limit recovery cycles is turned off, recovery cycles will continue infinitely until internet connectivity is resumed. When limit recovery cycles is set to on, the number of recovery cycles is set to a maximum number. If this number of recovery cycles exceeds, recovery is declared as failed recovery. The application will continuously check internet connectivity and if connectivity is resumed it will switch to connected state. While recovery is in failed state, the user can still initiate router or modem recovery cycles and also trigger connectivity checks from the control page. The last parameter is Daylight Saving time (DST). This should be set to on during DST and off otherwise. If this parameter is not set correctly then shown history records will be off by an hour.

When clicking on the History tab, the following screen appears:

History Setup

This screen is used to setup the maximum number of history records to store. If the number of records is reduced, latest records are deleted. Enlarging the number back to what is was before, or larger, will not make the deleted records to reappear.

All configuration parameters are stored in EEPROM memory so it will persist over shutdowns. Also history records are stored in EEPROM memory.

It is possible to switch between settings tabs without saving changes. However after making all changes it is necessary to press the save button in order to make the changes take in effect. All changes in all tabs will be stored and take in effect. If the cancel button is presses all modifications will be lost and the control page will be shown. If selecting a menu item, all modifications will be lost and the corresponding page will be shown.