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Controlling a Single Device

Boaz Feldboim edited this page Oct 27, 2021 · 3 revisions

Some modems include also a router, so it is not possible to separately restart the router and the modem. They must be restarted together and there is no other (second) device. The device can be configured to control a single device. This can be done by adding the following line to CONFIG.TXT file:


This will remove the Modem from the UI and from every other place that the modem is mentioned (e.g., recovery history reports). The default value for SingleDevice in false. So if it is omitted from CONFIG.TXT file, its actual value is false.

The device name can also be modified. The default device name is "Router". Changing the name can be done by adding the following line to CONFIG.TXT file:

DeviceName=Access Point

This will rename the device to "Access Point". Do not add quotes to the configuration line. The default value for DeviceName is Router. So if it is omitted from CONFIG.TXT file its actual value is Router.

When using a single device, it is not necessary to mount all the components that control the second device. It is possible to use a three pins connector for the main power (CN1), then you should mount all the components for switching the router: R5-R8, C3, U6, Q2.The components that control the modem are R1-R4, C2, U5, Q1. They can be omitted in the PCB.

Also in a single device configuration, it is possible to omit SW4 and R4 from the switchboard. However, R8, the pullup resistor should be mounted.