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Electrical Diagram and PCB

Boaz Feldboim edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 18 revisions

Electric diagram and PCB design can be found here: Main board
The switchboard electric diagram and PCB cab be found here: Switchboard

Instead of a PCB it is possible to use a development board (e.g., ESP32-DevkitC-V4) and wire GPIO pins 26, 25 to a relay board in order to switch the mains power supply to the router and modem. It is recommended to use solid state relays as it has less or no surge impact on other electronics. It was found that the wired Ethernet adapter (USR-ES1) is very sensitive to surges. Also the micro SD adapter and optionally the ethernet adapter should of course also be wired to the development board according to the electrical diagram. Most of the prototypes of this project were based on the ESP32-DevkitC-V4 with wiring. A PCB makes it possible to use a smaller box.

It is possible to build the project without the manual control switchboard and control the device only using the HTML interface. If you choose not to have the manual control switchboard, you should still wire the four pullup resistors R5-R8 of the switchboard. Otherwise without making the necessary modifications to the software, the software will go berserk.

Non-assembled PCBs:
Non-assembled PCBs
Non-assembled PCBs

Assembled main PCB:
Assembled PCB1
Assembled PCB2

Assembled switchboard:
Assembled switchboard