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Minutes_MiniStd_2018 11

Christian Busse edited this page Sep 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Meta: 2018-11-09, 13:30 UTC

** Present ** Ahmad, Brian, Christian, Steve

** Organization ** = AIRR 2019 = - We have been tasked by SC Meeting to organize a Panel Discussion on

"Standards and Repositories" together with ComRepo. The idea of this discussion is to interface with groups/organizations outside of the AIRR Community that are working on similar topics. If you have any suggestions for potential panelists or would like to volunteer to organize (and potentially moderate) this session, please drop a line to Florian and Christian. Will send a separate mail on this topic this week.

= Interaction with iReceptor plus consortium = - Several AIRR-associated groups have been awarded an H2020 grant (co-funded by the

EU & Canada) to bring the extend iReceptor framework ("iReceptor Plus", short "iR+"). This has raised some questions on how iR+ will interface with the various AIRR-C efforts. We are currently working on a short text to clarify this, will likely take a week or two.

= Future of MiniStd WG = - Continuing the discussion of last month to transform the WG to an SC with primarily

custodial functions (see Minutes there). Current aim is to have a draft motion on this for voting by the GA at AIRR2019 by the call in Feburary 2019. Any input, objections and concerns are welcome!

** MiAIRR 1.1 ** = Interaction with PLoS = - Steve and Ahmad have initiated a contact with PLoS, who are currently looking into

available minimal standards for a number of fields. Will follow up in December.

** MiAIRR 2.0 ** = Single-cell standards = - In the context of the iReceptor Plus consortium (s/a), we will soon start working on

standardization of single-cell related information as a separate sub-group. If you want to participate, please get in touch with Christian.

** Reports from other groups ** = Vocabularies and Ontologies = - The Vocab/Ontol team had two calls until now and has identified several candidate

ontologies and will now do further in-depth testing of their suitability and usability: * organism -> NCBITAXON [] * disease_diagnosis -> DOID [] * cell_subset -> CellOntology [] * tissue -> Uberon [] In addition licensing and current maintenance status will be reviewed.
  • The _emerging_ consensus is that a preferred ontology: 1. MUST cover the majority of the required terms, but NOT NECESSARILY all. 2. MUST NOT feature complexity that cannot be put into reasonable use 3. SHOULD already be widely adopted 4. MUST be actively maintained 5. MUST be available under a free license
  • What follows from 1+4 of the previous paragraph is that we will work with ontology maintainers to extend their ontologies in future releases ("term request"). For a small number of ontologies that are of exceptional importance to AIRR, we might have to consider to start to actively contribute to these ontologies (CellOntology being one candidate for this).


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