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Cars – Setup controllers

Ilja Jusupov edited this page Oct 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

Setup controllers allow to hide a certain setup item and instead control it live with a dynamic controller. With new inputs it means you can now tie certain setup items to extra buttons, things like headlights state or even values set live by physics script written in Lua.

To configure a setup item for this purpose, simply add “EXT_CONTROLLER” value like so:


And prepare a new controller as usual (same as used by AC physics):

LUT=(| 0=400 | 1=4000 |)

(In this particular example I tied suspension height to brake button so car would jump when brakes are pressed like so.)

Note: currently the system doesn’t work with new setup items added by CSP, fix is coming with 0.1.80.

Pro tip: if you’re tying things to extra A/B/C/D/E/F switches, you can get them to work in toggle or hold-to-activate mode, or block them from changing in some conditions (for example, if car is moving). Something like this could be used to recreate top speed switch of a Bugatti, for example.

General Information

Car Physics

Track Physics

Car & Track Configs

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Unrelated to Custom Shaders Patch

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