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Significant Events

brez edited this page Nov 14, 2017 · 2 revisions

The Significant Events table contains records of individual High and Low notable water level events. It can contain a limitless number of significant events with each being a new record in the table. If any records (high or low) exist for a lake, they will be rendered within a chart in the lakes' story content under the Statistics page. If the lake hasn't been added to the 'Lake Statistics' table, the page will still be created and populated with the significant events charts.

For every significant event to be charted, add a record to this table. The minimum required form fields to create a record are the Lake (chosen from the dropdown), Event type (chosen from dropdown), Date (chosen from calendar tool or entered with format: '<4 digit year>-<2 digit month>-<2 digit day>'), and Height (number). Optionally, if adding a low event, you can populate a period of drought years in the text field Drought. After adding, choose 'SAVE'.

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