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Setup and Configuration

Enrique Sanchez edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 6 revisions

To develop VisionEval scenarios and apply the models, users first need a runtime version. Users can construct a runtime version by cloning the SanVE repository to their local machine. The next step of the build process can proceed after setting up the following build-in data:

To customize SDRSPM, the following build-in data is replaced with local (e.g., San Diego) data:

  • Default Census public use microsample (PUMS) data is designed for the Oregon region. The default data is updated with San Diego PUMS data for SDRSPM.
  • VENHTS2001's module package includes build-in transportation survey data used to predict household travel in VERSPM. The raw survey data is updated with SANDAG 2016/17 HTS data.


ACS PUMS files have state-level Census 2000 data containing individual records of the characteristics for a 5 percent sample of people and housing units. The PUMS files contain geographic units known as super-Public Use Microdata Areas (super-PUMAs) and Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs). Each super-PUMA contains a minimum population of 400,000 and each PUMA contains a minimum population threshold of 100,000. Geographic equivalency files that show the relationship between the PUMA and standard Census 2000 geographic concepts (e.g., counties, etc.) are included.


  • Download California PUMS5 data from the ACS website
  • Process Raw PUMS5 using Process_2000_PUMS.R. The location filter in this R script can be used to subset the PUMS5 to San Diego County using SuperPUMA code.
    • San Diego SuperPUMA code: ("06701","06702","06703","06704","06705")
  • After running the script, pums_households.csv and pums_persons.csv will be created. These files will be used to create the San Diego version of the Hh_Df file.



The VERSPM model is estimated based on the 2001 NHTS dataset. This survey collected 69,818 household samples across the country, including 221 San Diego resident samples. However, SANDAG conducted a region-wide household travel survey (HTS) in 2016/2017 that collected 6,199 samples. Therefore, given its larger sample size, the HTS data is used to build the SDRSPM.


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