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Scenario Directory

Enrique Sanchez edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 3 revisions

Once VisionEval and VERSPM are installed, a directory with sample data will be available at ../models/VERSPM/.

  • The VERSPM directory serves the dual purposes of providing sample data and serving as a template for local modification to other regions.
  • The ../models/VERSPM/ directory contains sample input files for the Rogue Valley region in Oregon. These inputs can be modified or replaced to investigate the impacts of policy changes or to model a different region.
  • The directory contains multiple files and subfolders:

run_model.R is the main script for running the model. This script calls the various modules that make up the overall model. The user may modify the script to call desired modules:

The defs directory contains five model definition files as described in Model Definition Files:

The inputs directory contains various CSV files that are inputs to different modules. Each module requires a unique set of input files. To learn about the different input files and how they can be modified for your desired testing, see Inputs_and_Parameters:

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