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Build Model

Enrique Sanchez edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 3 revisions
  1. Start RStudio and open the VisionEval-dev.Rproj project file (On most graphical display machines, double-click)
  2. Execute to build:
    • Note: A complete build from scratch takes 45-90 minutes on a typical Windows machine. Building on a different OS may require more time as many dependency packages are built from source code.
  3. Once the build is complete, access the runtime environment through one of the following ways:
    • Execute from the VisionEval-dev RStudio project
    • Access your file manager program, navigate to the runtime directory, and double-click the VisionEval.Rproj RStudio project file (as you would for the standard binary release installer)
    • Start the R GUI (or R terminal) for the version of R used to build VisionEval, set the working directory (setwd) to the runtime folder built during Step 2, and then source-ing Visioneval.R

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