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Using SLM

Mert Ercan edited this page Dec 30, 2017 · 6 revisions

Using SLM

Library Tab

1) Library Panel

Library Panel is used to list Steam and SLM libraries set by user. Double clicking any item will open the library in file explorer.

2) Application Panel

Application Panel is used to list installed applications in the selected library. User may drag the Application Panel item and drop to Library Panel to task the application for movement.

3) New Library Creation Panel

Dropping a folder to this area will create a Steam or SLM library, depends on what user picks. There is currently no another methods to create Steam or SLM library from SLM. To learn more about Folder Structure of libraries, head to Understanding Folder Structure wiki page.

4) Search

User may make a search in current selected library by application id or application name.

Task Manager Tab

1) Current Tasked Items

Every tasked job will be traceable from here. Before anything shows up in there, user must task a job from Application Panel. User may set different settings per task. Double clicking any task will open the application's installation directory in file explorer.

2) Task Manager Buttons

Used to control Task Manager. User may remove tasks with "COMPLETED" text on them via "Clear Completed Tasks" button.

"Check for Backup Updates" button will check your current backed items in SLM library, compare them with Steam library and if the application in Steam library is newer than backed version, it will task the application for update.

3) Task Manager Logs

Task Manager will report the current status through there.

Library Cleaner Tab

1) Library Cleaner Panel

Junks found by SLM will be listed in there. User may manually remove the listed item from context menu (right click menu). Double clicking any item will open the directory in file explorer.

2) Library Cleaner Buttons

User may Delete and Move all listed junks. Also user may ask SLM to refresh junk list.

Important Note: Please do not use "Refresh List" while Task Manager is active (moving application) as it will result in current moving item/items to be listed as junk.