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Configuring SLM

Mert Ercan edited this page Dec 30, 2017 · 3 revisions

General Settings

Sort applications by

Used to determine how to list applications in Application Panel.

Get application size from

Used to determine how to measure size of applications. Using "ACF" method will directly use the size information from the .ACF file and it is the fastest method that is currently available. Setting this option to "Enum" will be extremely slower depending on the size of Library.

Get compressed archive size from:

Used to determine how to measure size of compressed applications. Using "compressed" will directly get the archive size while using "uncompressed" manually determine the real file size. Setting this option to "uncompressed" might be also slower depending on the size of the Library.

Move files synchronously after

The files bigger than selected option will be moved synchronously while the smaller files being moved asynchronously.

Theme Accent

Select the theme that you like to use - changes made here will be reflected instantly.

Theme Base

Select the theme base you like to use - changes made here will be reflected instantly.

Advanced Logging (Requires restart)

Enabling this option will start logging things for SLM, Task Manager, Library and Application under /Logs/ folder.

Check for Updates at Startup

Enabling this option will check for updates quietly each time you run SLM.

Keep searching on library change

Enabling this option will keep searching for the given text even if you select a different library.

Open Log Folder

Opens the /Logs/ folder, if exists.

Check for Updates

Checks for updates from GitHub repository.

Clear Header Image Cache

Clears the /.slmcache/ folder, if exists. Which is used to store the header images of applications to show under Application Panel.

Donate button

Opens Donations wiki page in default browser.

Task Manager Defaults

The options set here will be used by Task Manager to determine the default values of new tasks.

Remove files at Source directory

Removes the source files if the task completed successfully.

Compress Files

Compresses the application files at target library with Windows' own zip method.

Report File Movement

You will get movement logs from active tasks in Task Manager Logs panel.

Start Task Manager on Startup

Enabling this option will automatically start Task Manager when you start SLM.

Play a sound on completion

Enabling this option will play Windows' "Exclamation" sound when the Task Manager finishes it's tasks.