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Theme Creation

Brennen Murphy edited this page Sep 13, 2024 · 10 revisions


Note: If you are using Windows make sure you have show file extentions enabled

Files needed: Can be copied from another theme.

  • BOOT.MP3 (128k)

  • BOX.PNG (80X80)

  • BROWSER.PNG (100x100)

  • CHECK.PNG (16x16)

  • DEFBG.PNG (480x272)

  • EXIT.PNG (100x100)

  • FILE.PNG (16X16 )

  • FOLDER.PNG (16x16)

  • FTP.PNG (100x100)

  • GAME.PNG (100x100)

  • ISO.PNG (16X16)

  • LOADING.PNG (480x272)

  • MUSIC.PNG (16X16)

  • NOICON.PNG (16X16)

  • PBP.PNG (16x16)

  • PICTURE.PNG (16X16 )

  • PLUGINS.PNG (100x100)

  • PRX.PNG (16X16)

  • SETTINGS.PNG (100x100)

  • SOUND.MP3 (128k)

  • PLUGINS (16x16)

  • SPRITE.PNG (22x22)

  • TXT.PNG (16X16)

  • UNCHECK.PNG (16x16)

  • WAIT.PNG (16X16)

  • ZIP.PNG (16x16)


  1. On your PC create a folder named themes

  2. create an folder with the name of your theme i.e ("my_theme") inside the themes folder

  3. Inside your "my_theme" folder create an folder called resources

  4. Copy all files listed above to resources.

  5. Edit them all to create your theme.

Sanity Check

Folder/File structure should look like this
themes/<THEME NAME>/
└── resources
    ├── BOOT.MP3
    ├── BOX.PNG
    ├── CHECK.PNG
    ├── DEFBG.PNG
    ├── EXIT.PNG
    ├── FILE.PNG
    ├── FOLDER.PNG
    ├── FTP.PNG
    ├── GAME.PNG
    ├── ISO.PNG
    ├── MUSIC.PNG
    ├── NOICON.PNG
    ├── PBP.PNG
    ├── PRX.PNG
    ├── SOUND.MP3
    ├── SPRITE.PNG
    ├── TXT.PNG
    ├── WAIT.PNG
    └── ZIP.PNG
  1. Double click on the script. This script needs to be next to the themes folder (as shown above).

  2. Verify that it generated a THEME.ARK file. Should be located inside the themes folder.

  3. Place the THEME.ARK from your PC on your PSP/Vita in the ARK_01234 folder

  4. You can either restart Custom Launcher or Recovery to see your new theme. Or if you are already in Custom Launcher or Recovery you can click the THEME.ARK located in ARK_01234 and install it.

Thanks to BLOC 15 for this data that was used.

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