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Zacck Osiemo edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 8 revisions

Here are the Flowcharts to show how the application works

Application Flow

Summary of how different flows are connected in the application.

Application Flow

Authentication Phase

This phase allows a user to join the service and start using the functionality provided by the application

Authentication Flow

Wishlist Phase

The Wishlist phase is where users create and populate MoneyLogs. They will be required to provide at least a name for their money log additional actions here will provide to functionality to populate a wishlist for the MoneyLog in question.

Create MoneyLog

This action allows a user to create a MoneyLog on the service durong this step a user needs only to provide a name for the MoneyLog thereby committing to the intent of this MoneyLog

Create MoneyLog

Curate Wishlist

This action allows user of the service to build a WishList within a MoneyLog this list serves as a draft for the ShoppingList that the user will create as they refine the MoneyLog in the Planning Phase

Curate WishList

Planning Phase

The planning phase is where the basis of all the work in the application occurs, in this phase, we allow users on the system to plan how resources in a MoneyLog will be allocated. This phase has a number of major actions associated with it

Record Income

This action allows a user of the application to create an IncomeLog in a MoneyLog the total amount of unspent money in all the IncomeLogs in a MoneyLog is the total amount of available funds.

Record Income Flow

Add Sections

This action allows a user to divide their MoneyLog into smaller chunks LogSections that they can deal with separately it is one of the initial phases that Mula provides to enable us. Look at it this way would you want to deal with your annual budget as a whole or go through it monthly?

Add Sections Flow

Refine MoneyLog

This action allows a user to assign WishListItems in their MoneyLog to LogSections that way the items will have planned purchase dates and also helps us to separate shopping items from wishlist items since only wishlist items tagged with a LogSection are considered as items to be purchased.

Refine Moneylog Flow

Using Phase

This phase is what traditional budgeting applications would provide as an application. This phase allows a user to record expenses and link those expenses to the plans the use made previously. Expenditures are linked to plans using Log Categories created in the planning phase

Using Moneylog Flow

Review Phase

This phgase really is where all the magic happens, Once a user starts recording expenses it means they are now actively engaging the MoneyLog Application. As such we should start applying concurrent automated reviews on areas we can. We can do this by enabling a user to introspect and compare between their planned expenditiure and the expenses that actually occured. Usually this is all te requisite information to get people clear on better spending and planning

Review Moneylog Flow