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System Behaviour

Zacck Osiemo edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 7 revisions

System Behaviour

This is the high-level description of the system and how it work's we use the information in this section to drive the design phase of the system, we then compare the results of the design phase to the requirements here in order to make sure they are what we were aiming for.

The system we are building is a budgeting/saving application an hence it will chiefly be tasked with aiding users with budgets and savings. It will endeavour to do this in the following ways.

User traversal through the system

  1. The user authenticates into the system.
  2. System lists the user's budgets if they have any if the user is new and currently has no budgets the user will then be prompted to create a new one by providing the necessary details. Upon creation of a budget, the user will be redirected to the budget list.
  3. From the budget list, the user can choose a budget to work with.
  4. The system will check whether the budget in question is refined? If not the user will be requested to refine and lock the budget's preliminary list.
  5. If the budget is refined the user will now be able to access this current budget's modules including:
  • Budget Savings: amount of savings accumulated in this budget
  • Income Log: Log of all the incoming money for this budget
  • Expenses Log: This is a log of all the expenses accumulated in budget
  • Budget Summary: This is a brief of the budget, Usually the budget's focal point
  • Budget Sections: This are splits of a budget i.e when a budget lasts a month, each week can be seen as a section.
  • Preliminary Purchase List: This is a list of all the intended expenses in a budget. Here one usually puts in their complete wish list for the current budget period
  • Actual Purchase List: This is a filtering of the preliminary purchase list that only includes the items that fit into the budget after it has been refined

Budget Modules

The smaller sections in this budget will be defined in their own documents.

Please take a look at the budget flowcharts for a more detailed overview of this system's behaviour

Step 1

Step 2

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