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CIEspost edited this page Jul 14, 2018 · 7 revisions


Spender is an application that enables a user to go through a number of steps grouped together in themes that we will refer to as phases. These phases are designed to enable a user to spend their money with confidence.

In going through these phases a user commits to and takes a number of actions that resolve in a user planning how to use their resources (e.g. money, time...).

We have quite a few phases in the application but the important ones to know are the following:

Creation Phase

Users will create and populate a MoneyLog with certain aims in mind. In order to express these aims, they will be required to provide a name for their MoneyLog. After naming, the user will create a Wishlist.

Planning Phase

To start with a user will curate their resources by recording the amount of money they have available for a MoneyLog. In addition to this the user will refine their MoneyLog by means of taking actions like:

  • setting the start and end date
  • dividing the MoneyLog into Sections
  • linking Wishlist items to Sections (thereby making them shopping items)

Using Phase

A user will now be acting on the plans made in the previous phases for e.g. for example using the shopping lists to do shopping. The Using Phase provides the user with functions that can help them record their expenses when/after they occur.

Review Phase

This phase runs in tandem with the Using Phase. The aim of the Review Phase is to enable the user to analyze their expenses in comparison to the initial aims for their MoneyLog, for e.g., as a user is spending their money they will also be able to see the total amount of money they have spent and the total amount of money they are planning to spend. The information gained during this analysis then enables users to adjust and learn about what habits to maintain to keep achieving the aims set in the Creation Phase.

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