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Project Diary

JimChen2002 edited this page May 11, 2021 · 7 revisions

Feb 12th

  • Established Wechat group to make communication easier
  • Team member introduction and got to know each other so we can work better as a group

Feb 15th

  • Made a plan on when to have a group call to do the initial brainstorm for Staging post 1

Feb 16th

  • Group Call: 30mins
  • Created a google doc for the initial brianstorm
    • Each of us is responsible for contributing some ideas to the questions under the Sport and Culture section of the project

Feb 22nd

  • Group Call: 40mins
    • Goal: finalize the Sport and Culture section
      • Karry Chen: put the ideas to the first 2 questions into cohesive paragraphs
      • Jim Chen: put the ideas to the 3rd and 4th questions into cohesive paragraphs
      • Victoria Qian: put the ideas to the last 2 questions into cohesive paragraphs
      • Ruijie Zhai: connect all the answers together + find images that matches with this section

Feb 26th

  • Group chat
    • Goal: brainstorm ideas for the Perspective taking and Storytelling sections

Feb 27th

  • Group chat
    • Goal: finalize the Perspective taking and Storytelling sections
      • Karry Chen: put the ideas to the first 2 question of both sections into paragraphs
      • Victoria Qian: put the ideas to the 3rd and 4th questions of both sections into paragraphs
      • Ruijie Zhai: put the ideas of the rest of the questions of both sections into paragraphs
      • Jim Chen: creating the Github site and connecting all the paragraphs

March 14th

  • Group Call (40 mins)
    • Discussed feedbacks from staging post 1 and rubrics on staging post 2
    • Discussed about which perspectives to focus on for the storyboard
    • Discussed about ways to make the stories more compelling
  • Work Distribution
    • Victoria Qian and Karry Chen: come up with the story arc from the American public’s perspective
    • Jim Chen and Ruijie Zhai: come up with the story arc from the Chinese public’s perspective

March 16th

  • Zoom Meeting with Professor Korryn Mozisek
    • Goal: discuss in detail the feedback we got from staging post 1 as well as some confusions we have in order to do better on staging post 2
    • Prior to this meeting all team members reviewed the feedbacks from staging post 1 and had written down some questions that we want to discuss with Professor Korryn
    • During the meeting, everyone had a chance to ask some questions
    • What did we achieve?
      • Have a clearer approach towards staging post 2
      • Have a clever understanding of the expectations for this project

March 22nd

  • Wechat group discussion (1 hour)
    • communication on the ways to present the storyboards more creatively
    • Shared our progress and gave suggestions on how to improve for each other

March 23rd

  • In-class project time ( 1 hour)
    • Professor Dubreil came to our breakout room and answered some of our questions regarding the perspectives in our storyboards
    • What did we get from it?
      • A clearer idea of how to link the different storyboards to the bigger message
    • Work Distribution
      • Victoria: storyboard from the perspective of a Chinese Houston Rockets fan
      • storyboard from the perspective of Adam Silver
      • storyboard from the perspective of NBA player Lebron James
      • storyboard from the perspective of a Hong Kong student

March 24th

  • Wechat Group Call (1 hour)
    • Shared progress
      • Each member shared their script for the storyboards
      • Everyone gave suggestions on what can be improved for the storyboards
      • Discussed what kind of visual can be creative and have a bigger impact for our audience

April 3rd

  • Wechat Group discussion (30 mins)
    • All team members discussed feedbacks received regarding staging post 2
      • Discussing feedbacks made us have some new ideas

April 6th

  • Zoom Group Discussion
    • Discussed the various personas that we want to create and how that related to the different audiences of our project
    • Each member created a persona representing a different group of audience

April 8th

  • Wechat Group Call (80 mins)
    • Discussed ideas for the wireframe for the staging post 3
    • Try to incorporate feedbacks from staging post 2 and revise
    • Try to combine the different storyboards to add richness to the wireframe
    • Each member wrote down some questions that we still have regarding staging post 3 and sent an email to Professor Dubreil to set up a meeting.

April 13th

  • In Class Zoom discussion + Wechat discussion ( 60 mins)
    • In class breakout room with Professor Duberil
      • Had a more clear idea of the story arc for the wireframe
    • After class we decided on the final story arc
      • Each member is responsible for 2 scenes of the wireframe (script + visual)

April 15th

  • Wechat Discussion
    • Final wireframe out
    • Gathering and brainstormed visuals needed for the prototype
    • Each member is responsible for finding or creating visuals for their scenes in the wireframe

April 17th

  • Wechat Discussion
    • Discussed visuals each member gathered
    • Reorganized some scripts for the voiceover for the prototype
      • Karry & Victoria: recording + continue to find suitable visuals
      • Jim and Ruijie: script refine + editing

April 19th

  • Wechat group discussion
    • Finish up any leftover works
      • Karry: feedback doc
      • Victoria: updated team charter
      • Ruijie: Team debrief
      • Jim: trailer editing

April 21st

  • Playtest
    • Receive feedback, cast sound and add sound effects

April 22st

  • Playtest
    • Receive feedback, add subtitles and motions between scenes

April 23st

  • Playtest
    • Receive feedback, add more dialogue to make it more interacitve

April 25th

  • Wechat Group Discussion
    • Mainly discussed results from playtesting so far
      • Diversify our playtesting group (All Members Involved)
        • Reach out to family members who like basketball
        • Reach out to people from different cultural backgrounds

April 27th

  • Wechat Group Discussion
    • Work Distribution for SP4 among team members
      • Victoria: persona, goal section of story development/ incorporate feedback from playtesting/ team bio+team diary
      • Karry Chen: incorporate feedback from SP3/ team experience statement/ team bio
      • Jim Chen: Trailer + Video Mockup + Team Debrief
      • Ruijie Zhai: playtesting data collection/ revise wireframe/ Team Debrief
  • In class Zoom Team Debrief
    • Talked about things to improve for SP4
    • Brainstorm and came up with the title for our VR experience
    • Shared playtesting data

May 1st

  • Wechat Group Call
    • Presentation Discussion and Work Distribution
      • Victoria Qian: Target audience and goal section
      • Karry Chen: Intro of event +Perspectives section
      • Jim Chen: Why our VR experience is good section
      • Ruijie Zhai: Choices in VR and how that serves the goal section

May 4th

  • In class presentation to professionals
    • All team members took down feedback from professionals and classmates

May 6th

  • In class SP4 Workshop
    • Discussed Feedback from SP3 and Zoom meeting with Instructor Stephan
      • After discussion, we decided to add some branch plots to our VR Experience to make it more interactive
        • Victoria: China team - Eat - Lose plot
        • Karry Chen: China team - not eat - win plot
        • Ruijie Zhai: HK team - not eat- win plot
        • Jim Chem: combine them together and revise prototype

May 9th

  • Wechat Group Discussion
    • Discussed Final version of trailer
      • Jim & Ruijie: trailer script writing + editing
      • Victoria & Karry: video recording

May 10th & 11th

  • Zoom Meeting
    • Presentation making (all members involved)
    • Presentation reheasling (all members involved)




    Option 1
    Option 2
    Option 3

Experience Statement

Story Development

Team Biography




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