The Groww Competitor project aims to replicate the core features of the Groww platform, enabling users to learn and practice portfolio management without real financial risks. It allows users to track their portfolios, view market trends, and practice investing without using real money. The platform includes tools to visualize market data, manage investments, and learn about financial strategies, making it easy for users to understand and improve their investment skills.
Name | Branch | Roll No. | Email Address | Github Username |
Sakshi Sahu | IT | LIT2023025 | [email protected] | sakshisahu27 |
Sweta Kumari | IT | LIT2023019 | [email protected] | swetak0911 |
Ananya Varshney | IT | LIT2023035 | [email protected] | ananyavarshney1 |
Anurag Yadav | IT | LIT2023021 | [email protected] | anurag2787 |
Mayank Mishra | CS | LCS2023047 | [email protected] | M-ayank2005 |
We would like to express our gratitude to our professor Vinaya Sathyanarayana sir, our mentors, and the open-source community for their valuable guidance, support, and inspiration throughout this project.