class User {
+String userId
+String username
+String email
+String passwordHash
+Date registrationDate
class Portfolio {
+String portfolioId
+List<Investment> investments
+Double totalInvestmentValue
+Double totalGainLoss
class Investment {
+String investmentId
+String type
+String name
+Double purchasePrice
+Integer quantity
+Date purchaseDate
class Stock {
+String stockSymbol
+String companyName
+Double currentPrice
+Double previousClosePrice
class MutualFund {
+String fundCode
+String fundName
+Double navPrice
+Double expenseRatio
class Transaction {
+String transactionId
+String userId
+String investmentId
+Double amount
+Date transactionDate
+String transactionType
class MarketAnalytics {
User "1" -- "1" Portfolio : has
Portfolio "1" -- "*" Investment : contains
Investment <|-- Stock
Investment <|-- MutualFund
User "1" -- "*" Transaction : makes
MarketAnalytics -- Investment : analyzes
flowchart TD
subgraph Actors
subgraph "Use Cases"
Registration[User Registration]
Login[User Login]
ProfileManagement[Profile Management]
SearchInvestments[Search Investments]
AddPortfolio[Add to Portfolio]
TrackPerformance[Track Portfolio Performance]
MarketAnalysis[Market Analysis]
AdminDashboard[Admin Dashboard]
UserManagement[User Management]
User --> Registration
User --> Login
User --> ProfileManagement
User --> SearchInvestments
User --> AddPortfolio
User --> TrackPerformance
User --> MarketAnalysis
Admin --> AdminDashboard
Admin --> UserManagement
participant User
participant WebApp
participant AuthService
participant DatabaseService
User->>WebApp: Access Registration Page
WebApp->>User: Display Registration Form
User->>WebApp: Submit Registration Details
WebApp->>AuthService: Validate User Information
alt Validation Successful
AuthService->>DatabaseService: Create User Account
DatabaseService-->>AuthService: Account Created
AuthService-->>WebApp: Registration Success
WebApp->>User: Show Success Message
User->>WebApp: Login with Credentials
WebApp->>AuthService: Authenticate User
alt Authentication Successful
AuthService->>DatabaseService: Retrieve User Profile
DatabaseService-->>WebApp: User Data
WebApp->>User: Show Dashboard
else Authentication Failed
AuthService-->>WebApp: Authentication Error
WebApp->>User: Show Login Error
else Validation Failed
AuthService-->>WebApp: Registration Error
WebApp->>User: Show Error Details
flowchart TD
Start[Start] --> LoginCheck{User Logged In?}
LoginCheck -->|No| LoginPage[Redirect to Login]
LoginCheck -->|Yes| Dashboard[Access Portfolio Dashboard]
LoginPage --> LoginProcess[Login Process]
LoginProcess --> LoginCheck
Dashboard --> ActionSelection[Select Action]
ActionSelection --> AddInvestment{Add Investment?}
AddInvestment -->|Yes| SearchInvestment[Search Stocks/Funds]
SearchInvestment --> SelectInvestment[Select Investment]
SelectInvestment --> ConfirmAdd[Confirm Addition]
ConfirmAdd --> UpdatePortfolio[Update Portfolio]
ActionSelection --> RemoveInvestment{Remove Investment?}
RemoveInvestment -->|Yes| ViewPortfolio[View Current Portfolio]
ViewPortfolio --> SelectRemove[Select Investment to Remove]
SelectRemove --> ConfirmRemove[Confirm Removal]
ConfirmRemove --> UpdatePortfolioRemove[Update Portfolio]
ActionSelection --> ViewPerformance{View Performance?}
ViewPerformance -->|Yes| LoadMetrics[Load Performance Metrics]
LoadMetrics --> DisplayGraphs[Display Performance Graphs]
DisplayGraphs --> AnalyzeTrends[Analyze Trends]
UpdatePortfolio --> Dashboard
UpdatePortfolioRemove --> Dashboard
AnalyzeTrends --> Dashboard
flowchart TD
subgraph "Groww Investment Platform"
UserInterface[User Interface Layer]
AuthenticationModule[Authentication Module]
PortfolioManagement[Portfolio Management Service]
MarketDataService[Market Data Service]
AnalyticsEngine[Analytics Engine]
DatabaseLayer[Database Layer]
subgraph "External Services"
StockAPI[Stock Market API]
PaymentGateway[Payment Gateway]
NotificationService[Notification Service]
UserInterface --> AuthenticationModule
UserInterface --> PortfolioManagement
UserInterface --> MarketDataService
AuthenticationModule --> DatabaseLayer
PortfolioManagement --> DatabaseLayer
MarketDataService --> StockAPI
AnalyticsEngine --> PortfolioManagement
AnalyticsEngine --> MarketDataService
DatabaseLayer --> PaymentGateway
DatabaseLayer --> NotificationService
flowchart TD
subgraph "Cloud Infrastructure"
LoadBalancer[Load Balancer]
subgraph "Web Servers"
WebServer1[Web Server 1]
WebServer2[Web Server 2]
subgraph "Application Servers"
AppServer1[Application Server 1]
AppServer2[Application Server 2]
subgraph "Database Cluster"
PrimaryDB[Primary Database]
ReplicaDB1[Replica Database 1]
ReplicaDB2[Replica Database 2]
subgraph "Caching Layer"
CacheServer1[Redis Cache 1]
CacheServer2[Redis Cache 2]
subgraph "External Services"
StockAPI[Stock Market API]
PaymentGateway[Payment Gateway]
Client --> LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer --> WebServer1
LoadBalancer --> WebServer2
WebServer1 --> AppServer1
WebServer2 --> AppServer2
AppServer1 --> PrimaryDB
AppServer2 --> ReplicaDB1
PrimaryDB --> ReplicaDB1
PrimaryDB --> ReplicaDB2
AppServer1 --> CacheServer1
AppServer2 --> CacheServer2
AppServer1 --> StockAPI
AppServer2 --> PaymentGateway
[*] --> Unregistered
Unregistered --> Registration : User starts registration
Registration --> Verification : Submit details
Verification --> Active : Successful verification
Verification --> Unregistered : Failed verification
Active --> ProfileUpdate : Update profile
Active --> PasswordReset : Reset password
ProfileUpdate --> Active
PasswordReset --> Active
Active --> Suspended : Admin action
Suspended --> Active : Admin reactivation
Active --> [*] : Account deletion
flowchart LR
User --> UserInterface
UserInterface --> AuthService
AuthService --> PortfolioService
PortfolioService --> MarketDataService
MarketDataService --> StockAPI
StockAPI --> AnalyticsEngine
AnalyticsEngine --> PortfolioService
PortfolioService --> DatabaseService
DatabaseService --> NotificationService
These comprehensive UML and architectural diagrams provide a holistic view of the Groww Investment Platform's design, showcasing its structure, interactions, and system architecture.
- Class Diagram
- Use Case Diagram
- Sequence Diagram
- Activity Diagram
- Component Diagram
- Deployment Diagram
- State Diagram
- Communication Diagram
Each diagram offers unique insights into different aspects of the platform's design and functionality.